[DEPRECATED] Resource reference for the Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Task REST APIs (version 2.0)
Applies to: Exchange Online | Office 365 | Hotmail.com | Live.com | MSN.com | Outlook.com | Passport.com
Version 2.0 of the Outlook REST API is deprecated.
As announced on November 17, 2020, version 2.0 of the Outlook REST API has been deprecated. The v2.0 REST endpoint will be fully decommissioned in March 2024, and the v2.0 documentation will be removed shortly afterwards. Migrate existing apps to use Microsoft Graph. See a comparison to start your migration.
This article describes the REST API entities, properties, complex types, enumerations, and OData query parameters that you can use with the Outlook Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Task API to access user mailbox data in Office 365, Hotmail.com, Live.com, MSN.com, Outlook.com, and Passport.com.
For simplicity of reference, the rest of this article uses Outlook.com to include these Microsoft account domains.
See Use the Outlook REST API for more information common to all subsets of the Outlook REST API.
Not interested in v2.0 of the API? In the table of contents on the left, go to the Office 365 REST API reference section and select the version you want.
You can view the complete metadata document for the Mail, Calendar, Contacts, and Task entity data model by navigating to the $metadata
endpoint in a web browser (example: https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/$metadata
A file or item (contact, event or message) attached to an event, message, or task. The corresponding fileAttachment, itemAttachment, and referenceAttachment resources are derived from the Attachment resource.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Entity
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
ContentType | String | The MIME type of the attachment. | Yes | No |
IsInline | Boolean | true if the attachment is an inline attachment; otherwise, false . |
Yes | Yes |
LastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time when the attachment was last modified. The date and time use ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 would look like this: '2014-01-01T00:00:00Z' |
No | Yes |
Name | String | The display name of the attachment. This does not need to be the actual file name. | Yes | Yes |
Size | Int32 | The length of the attachment in bytes. | No | No |
A calendar that is a container for events.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Calendar
A Calendar collection returns an array of calendars in the value property of the OData response. Use $count
to get the count of entities in the collection: .../me/calendars/$count
See Calendar operations for supported actions.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
CanEdit | Boolean | True if the user can write to the calendar, false otherwise. This property is true for the user who created the calendar. This property is also true for a user who has been shared a calendar and granted write access. | No | Yes |
CanShare | Boolean | True if the user has the permission to share the calendar, false otherwise. Only the user who created the calendar can share it. | No | Yes |
CanViewPrivateItems | Boolean | True if the user can read calendar items that have been marked private, false otherwise. | No | Yes |
ChangeKey | String | Identifies the version of the calendar object. Every time the calendar is changed, ChangeKey changes as well. This allows Exchange to apply changes to the correct version of the object. | No | No |
Color | CalendarColor | Specifies the color theme to distinguish the calendar from other calendars in a UI. The property values are: LightBlue=0, LightGreen=1, LightOrange=2, LightGray=3, LightYellow=4, LightTeal=5, LightPink=6, LightBrown=7, LightRed=8, MaxColor=9, Auto=-1 | Yes | Yes |
Id | String | The calendar's unique identifier. | No | No |
Name | String | The calendar name. | Yes | Yes |
Owner | EmailAddress | If set, this represents the user who created or added the calendar. For a calendar that the user created or added, the Owner property is set to the user. For a calendar shared with the user, the Owner property is set to the person who shared that calendar with the user. | No | Yes |
CalendarView | Collection(Event) | The calendar view for the calendar. Navigation property. | No | No |
Events | Collection(Event) | The events in the calendar. Navigation property. | No | No |
MultiValueExtendedProperties | A collection | A collection of multi-value extended properties of type MultiValueLegacyExtendedProperty. This is a navigation property. Find more information about extended properties. |
Yes | Yes |
SingleValueExtendedProperties | A collection | A collection of single-value extended properties of type SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty. This is a navigation property. Find more information about extended properties. |
Yes | Yes |
A group of calendars.
Outlook.com supports only the default calendar group which is accessible by the ../me/calendars
You cannot delete that calendar group.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.CalendarGroup
A CalendarGroup collection returns an array of calendar groups in the value property of the OData response. Use $count
to get the count of entities in the collection: .../me/calendargroups/$count
See CalendarGroup operations for supported actions.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
Name | String | The group name. | Yes | Yes |
ChangeKey | String | Identifies the version of the calendar group. Every time the calendar group is changed, ChangeKey changes as well. This allows Exchange to apply changes to the correct version of the object. | No | No |
ClassId | String | The class identifier. | No | Yes |
Id | String | The calendar group's unique identifier. | No | No |
Calendars | Collection(Calendar) | The calendars in the calendar group. Navigation property. | No | No |
A contact, which is an item in Outlook for users to organize and save information about the people and organizations that they communicate with. Contacts are contained in contact folders.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Contact
A Contact collection returns an array of contacts in the value property of the OData response. Use $count
to get the count of entities in the collection: .../me/contacts/$count
See Contact operations for supported actions.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
AssistantName | String | The name of the contact's assistant. | Yes | Yes |
Birthday | datetimeoffset | The contact's birthday. | Yes | Yes |
BusinessAddress | PhysicalAddress | The contact's business address. | Yes | Yes |
BusinessHomePage | String | The business home page of the contact. | Yes | Yes |
BusinessPhones | Collection(String) | The contact's business phone numbers. | Yes | No |
Categories | Collection(String) | The categories associated with the contact. | Yes | No |
ChangeKey | String | Identifies the version of the contact. Every time the contact is changed, ChangeKey changes as well. This allows Exchange to apply changes to the correct version of the object. | No | No |
Children | Collection(String) | The names of the contact's children. | Yes | Yes |
CompanyName | String | The name of the contact's company. | Yes | Yes |
Department | String | The contact's department. | Yes | Yes |
CreatedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The time the contact was created. | No | Yes |
LastModifiedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The time the contact was modified. | No | Yes |
DisplayName | String | The contact's display name. | Yes | Yes |
EmailAddresses | Collection(EmailAddress) | The contact's email addresses. | Yes | No |
Extensions | Collection(Extension) | The collection of open type data extensions defined for the contact. Navigation property. | No | Yes |
FileAs | String | The name the contact is filed under. | Yes | Yes |
Generation | String | The contact's generation. | Yes | Yes |
GivenName | String | The contact's given name. | Yes | Yes |
HomeAddress | PhysicalAddress | The contact's home address. | Yes | Yes |
HomePhones | Collection(String) | The contact's home phone numbers. | Yes | No |
Id | String | The contact's unique identifier. | No | No |
ImAddresses | Collection(String) | The contact's instant messaging (IM) addresses. | Yes | No |
Initials | String | The contact's initials. | Yes | Yes |
JobTitle | String | The contact's job title. | Yes | Yes |
Manager | String | The name of the contact's manager. | Yes | Yes |
MiddleName | String | The contact's middle name. | Yes | Yes |
MobilePhone1 | String | The contact's mobile phone number. | Yes | Yes |
NickName | String | The contact's nickname. | Yes | Yes |
OfficeLocation | String | The location of the contact's office. | Yes | Yes |
OtherAddress | PhysicalAddress | Other addresses for the contact. | Yes | Yes |
ParentFolderId | String | The ID of the contact's parent folder. | No | No |
PersonalNotes | String | The user's notes about the contact. | Yes | Yes |
Profession | String | The contact's profession. | Yes | Yes |
SpouseName | String | The name of the contact's spouse. | Yes | Yes |
Surname | String | The contact's surname. | Yes | Yes |
Title | String | The contact's title. | Yes | No |
YomiCompanyName | String | The phonetic Japanese company name of the contact. | Yes | No |
YomiGivenName | String | The phonetic Japanese given name (first name) of the contact. | Yes | No |
YomiSurname | String | The phonetic Japanese surname (last name) of the contact. | Yes | No |
The navigation properties MultiValueExtendedProperties and SingleValueExtendedProperties are also available for this resource, to represent collections of respective types of extended properties defined for a resource instance. For more information, see Extended Properties REST API.
A folder that contains contacts.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.ContactFolder
A ContactFolder collection returns an array of contact folders in the value property of the OData response. Use $count
to get the count of entities in the collection: .../me/contactfolders/$count
See ContactFolder operations for supported actions.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
ChildFolders | Collection(ContactFolder) | The collection of child folders in the folder. Navigation property. | No | No |
Contacts | Collection(Contact) | The contacts in the folder. Navigation property. | No | No |
DisplayName | String | The folder's display name. | Yes | Yes |
Id | String | Unique identifier of the contact folder. | No | No |
ParentFolderId | String | The ID of the folder's parent folder. | No | No |
MultiValueExtendedProperties | A collection | A collection of multi-value extended properties of type MultiValueLegacyExtendedProperty. This is a navigation property. Find more information about extended properties. |
Yes | Yes |
SingleValueExtendedProperties | A collection | A collection of single-value extended properties of type SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty. This is a navigation property. Find more information about extended properties. |
Yes | Yes |
An event in a calendar.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Event
An Event collection returns an array of events in the value property of the OData response. Use $count
to get the count of entities in the collection: .../me/events/$count
See Event operations for supported actions.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
Attachments | Collection(Attachment) | The collection of FileAttachment, ItemAttachment, and ReferenceAttachment attachments for the event. Navigation property. | No | No |
Attendees | Collection(Attendee) | The collection of attendees for the event. | Yes | No |
Body | ItemBody | The body of the message associated with the event. | Yes | No |
BodyPreview | String | The preview of the message associated with the event. | No | No |
Calendar | Calendar | The calendar that contains the event. Navigation property. | No | No |
Categories | Collection(String) | The categories associated with the event. | Yes | No |
ChangeKey | String | Identifies the version of the event object. Every time the event is changed, ChangeKey changes as well. This allows Exchange to apply changes to the correct version of the object. | No | No |
CreatedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The date and time that the event was created. | No | Yes |
LastModifiedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The date and time that the event was last modified. | No | Yes |
End | DateTimeTimeZone | The end time of the event. | Yes | Yes |
Extensions | Collection(Extension) | The collection of open type data extensions defined for the event. Navigation property. | No | Yes |
HasAttachments | boolean | Set to true if the event has attachments. | No | Yes |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the event. | No | No |
Importance | Importance | The importance of the event: Low , Normal , High . |
Yes | Yes |
Instances | Collection(Event) | The instances of the event. Navigation property. | No | No |
iCalUID | String | A unique identifier that is shared by all instances of an event across different calendars. | No | Yes |
IsAllDay | boolean | Set to true if the event lasts all day. Adjusting this property requires adjusting the Start and End properties of the event as well. | Yes | Yes |
IsCancelled | boolean | Set to true if the event has been canceled. | Yes | Yes |
IsOrganizer | boolean | Set to true if the message sender is also the organizer. | Yes | Yes |
IsReminderOn | Boolean | Set to true if an alert is set to remind the user of the event. | Yes | Yes |
Location | Location | The location of the event. | Yes | Yes |
OnlineMeetingUrl | String | A URL for an online meeting. | Yes | No |
Organizer | Recipient | The organizer of the event. | Yes | Yes |
OriginalEndTimeZone | String | The end time zone that was set when the event was created. See DateTimeTimeZone for a list of valid time zones. | No | Yes |
OriginalStartTimeZone | String | The start time zone that was set when the event was created. See DateTimeTimeZone for a list of valid time zones. | No | Yes |
Recurrence | PatternedRecurrence | The recurrence pattern for the event. | Yes | No |
ReminderMinutesBeforeStart | Int32 | The number of minutes before the event start time that the reminder alert occurs. | Yes | No |
ResponseRequested | boolean | Set to true if the sender would like a response when the event is accepted or declined. | Yes | Yes |
ResponseStatus | ResponseStatus | Indicates the type of response sent in response to an event message. | No | Yes |
Sensitivity | Sensitivity | Indicates the level of privacy for the event: Normal = 0, Personal = 1, Private = 2, Confidential = 3. | Yes | Yes |
SeriesMasterId | String | The categories assigned to the item. | Yes | No |
ShowAs | FreeBusyStatus | The status to show: Free = 0, Tentative = 1, Busy = 2, Oof = 3, WorkingElsewhere = 4, Unknown = -1. | Yes | Yes |
Start | DateTimeTimeZone | The start time of the event. | Yes | Yes |
Type | EventType | The event type: SingleInstance = 0, Occurrence = 1, Exception = 2, SeriesMaster = 3. | Yes | Yes |
WebLink | String | The URL to open the event in Outlook Web App. The event will open in the browser if you are logged in to your mailbox via Outlook Web App. You will be prompted to login if you are not already logged in with the browser. This URL can be accessed from within an iFrame. |
No | No |
The navigation properties MultiValueExtendedProperties and SingleValueExtendedProperties are also available for this resource, to represent collections of respective types of extended properties defined for a resource instance. For more information, see Extended Properties REST API.
A message that represents a meeting request, meeting cancel message, meeting accept message, meeting tentatively accept message, or meeting declined message.
Base type: Message
An EventMessage instance is typically found in the Inbox folder where it arrives as the results of either an event organizer creating a meeting or by an attendee responding to a meeting request. You act on event messages in the same way that you act on Message, with some minor differences described in the following table.
Action/Verb | Permission | Description |
Create an event message (POST) | N/A | Not allowed. Will result in a 400 response code. |
Update an event message (PATCH) | Mail.Write | You may update the From, Sender, ToRecipients, CcRecipients, BccRecipients, ReplyTo, IsDeliveryReceiptRequested, IsReadReceiptRequested, IsDraft, IsRead, Subject, Body, Importance and Categories properties. |
Delete an event message (DELETE) | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
Move an event message (POST) | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
Copy an event message (POST) | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
Create draft reply message (POST) | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
Create draft reply all message (POST) | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
Create a reply (POST) | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
Create a reply all (POST) | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
Send an existing event message (POST) | Mail.Write | You can only send an event message where the IsDraft property has a value of true. A copy of the message is saved in the Sent Items folder. |
Create a draft forward event message | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
Forward an event message | Mail.Write | Same action as for a Message. |
An EventMessage instance includes properties of the base type Message, and the properties in the following table.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
Event | Event | The event associated with the event message. The assumption for attendees or room resources is that the Calendar Attendant is set to automatically update the calendar with an event when meeting request event messages arrive. Navigation property. | No | No |
MeetingMessageType | MeetingMessageType | The type of event message: None = 0, MeetingRequest = 1, MeetingCancelled = 2, MeetingAccepted = 3, MeetingTentativelyAccepted = 4, MeetingDeclined = 5 | No | Yes |
This feature is currently available in beta. To find out more, in the table of contents on the left, go to the Office 365 REST API reference section and select beta.
You can create a custom property on an entity as a MultiValueLegacyExtendedProperty or SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty, depending on the values intended for the property.
An extended property that can contain a collection of multiple values.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.MultiValueLegacyExtendedProperty
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
Value | Collection(String) | A collection of property values. | Yes | No |
PropertyId | String | The property ID. This is used to identify the property. | No | No |
An extended property that contains a single value.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
Value | String | A property value. | Yes | No |
PropertyId | String | The property ID. This is used to identify the property. | No | Yes |
When creating an extended property, there are various ways to specify the PropertyId. See PropertyId Formats for details.
See the Extended Properties REST API reference for the related operations you can use.
A file (such as a text file or Word document) attached to a message, event, or task. The ContentBytes property contains the base64-encoded contents of the file. Derived from the Attachment entity.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.FileAttachment
Base type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Attachment
Property | Type | Description | Writable? |
ContentBytes | binary | The binary contents of the file. | No |
ContentId | String | The ID of the attachment in the Exchange store. | No |
ContentLocation | String | The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that corresponds to the location of the content of the attachment. | No |
ContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. | Yes |
LastModifiedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The date and time when the attachment was last modified. | No |
Id | String | The attachment ID. | No |
IsInline | boolean | Set to true if this is an inline attachment. | Yes |
Name | String | The name representing the text that is displayed below the icon representing the embedded attachment.This does not need to be the actual file name. | Yes |
Size | Int32 | The size in bytes of the attachment. | No |
In v2.0, the entity and type previously known as Folder have been renamed as MailFolder.
A folder in a user's mailbox, such as Inbox, Drafts, and Sent Items. Folders can contain messages and other folders.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.MailFolder
A MailFolders collection returns an array of folders in the value property of the OData response. Use $count
to get the count of entities in the collection: .../me/folders/$count
See Folder operations for supported actions.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
ChildFolderCount | Int32 | The number of folders in the folder. | No | Yes |
ChildFolders | Collection(MailFolder) | The collection of child folders in the folder. Navigation property. | No | No |
DisplayName | String | The folder's display name. | Yes | Yes |
Id | String | The folder's unique identifier. You can use the following well-known names to access the corresponding folder: Inbox, Drafts, SentItems, DeletedItems. | No | No |
Messages | Collection(Message) | The collection of messages in the folder. Navigation property. | No | No |
ParentFolderId | String | The unique identifier for the folder's parent folder. | No | No |
TotalItemCount | Int32 | The number of items in the folder. | No | Yes |
UnreadItemCount | Int32 | The number of items in the folder marked as unread. | No | Yes |
MultiValueExtendedProperties | A collection | A collection of multi-value extended properties of type MultiValueLegacyExtendedProperty. This is a navigation property. Find more information about extended properties. |
Yes | Yes |
SingleValueExtendedProperties | A collection | A collection of single-value extended properties of type SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty. This is a navigation property. Find more information about extended properties. |
Yes | Yes |
The TotalItemCount and UnreadItemCount properties of a folder allow you to conveniently compute the number of read items in the folder. They let you avoid queries like the following that can incur significant latency:
Folders in Outlook can contain more than one type of items, for example, the Inbox can contain meeting request items which are distinct from mail items. TotalItemCount and UnreadItemCount include items in a folder irrespective of their item types.
Classification of a user's messages to enable focus on those that are more relevant or important to the user.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.InferenceClassification
Property | Type | Description | Writable? |
Overrides | Collection(InferenceClassificationOverride) | A set of overrides for a user to always classify messages from specific senders in certain ways, as supported by InferenceClassificationType. Navigation property. | Yes |
Represents a user's override for how incoming messages from a specific sender should always be classified as.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.InferenceClassificationOverride
Property | Type | Description | Writable? |
ClassifyAs | InferenceClassificationType | Specifies how incoming messages from a specific sender should always be classified as. Focused=0, Other=1. | Yes |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the override. | No |
SenderEmailAddress | EmailAddress | The email address of the sender for whom the override is created. | Yes |
A message, contact, or event that's attached to another message, event, or task. Derived from the Attachment entity.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.ItemAttachment
Base type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Attachment
Property | Type | Description | Writable? |
ContentType | String | The content type of the attachment. | Yes |
LastModifiedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The last time and date that the attachment was modified. | No |
Id | String | The attachment ID. | No |
Item | Item | The attached message or event. Navigation property. | Yes |
IsInline | boolean | Set to true if the attachment is inline, such as an embedded image within the body of the item. | Yes |
Name | String | The display name of the attachment. | Yes |
Size | Int32 | The size in bytes of the attachment. | Yes |
This feature is currently available in only beta. To find out more, in the table of contents on the left, go to the Office 365 REST API reference section and select beta.
A message in a mailbox folder.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Message
A Message collection returns an array of messages in the value property of the OData response. Use $count
to get the count of entities in the collection: .../me/messages/$count
See Message operations for supported actions.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? | Searchable? |
Attachments | Collection(Attachment) | The FileAttachment and ItemAttachment attachments for the message. Navigation property. | Yes | No | Yes |
BccRecipients | Collection (Recipient) | The Bcc recipients for the message. | Yes | No | Yes |
Body | ItemBody | The body of the message. | Yes | No | Default |
BodyPreview | String | The first 255 characters of the message body content. | No | No | Yes |
Categories | Collection (String) | The categories associated with the message. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
CcRecipients | Collection (Recipient) | The Cc recipients for the message. | Yes | No | Yes |
ChangeKey | String | The version of the message. | No | No | No |
ConversationId | String | The ID of the conversation the email belongs to. | No | Yes | No |
CreatedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The date and time the message was created. | No | Yes | No |
Extensions | Collection(Extension) | The collection of open type data extensions defined for the message. Navigation property. | No | Yes | No |
From | Recipient | The mailbox owner and sender of the message. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
HasAttachments | boolean | Indicates whether the message has attachments. | No | Yes | Yes |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the message. | No | No | No |
Importance | Importance | The importance of the message: Low = 0, Normal = 1, High = 2. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
InferenceClassification | InferenceClassificationType | The classification of this message for the user, based on inferred relevance or importance, or on an explicit override. | Yes | Yes | Yes |
IsDeliveryReceiptRequested | boolean | Indicates whether a read receipt is requested for the message. | Yes | Yes | No |
IsDraft | boolean | Indicates whether the message is a draft. A message is a draft if it hasn't been sent yet. | No | Yes | No |
IsRead | boolean | Indicates whether the message has been read. | Yes | Yes | No |
IsReadReceiptRequested | boolean | Indicates whether a read receipt is requested for the message. | Yes | Yes | No |
LastModifiedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The date and time the message was last changed. | No | Yes | No |
MultiValueExtendedProperties | A collection | A collection of multi-value extended properties of type MultiValueLegacyExtendedProperty. This is a navigation property. Find more information about extended properties. |
Yes | Yes | No |
ParentFolderId | String | The unique identifier for the message's parent folder. | No | No | No |
ReceivedDateTime | datetimeoffset | The date and time the message was received. | No | Yes | Yes |
ReplyTo | Collection (Recipient) | The email addresses to use when replying. | No | No | No |
Sender | Recipient | The account that is actually used to generate the message. | Yes | Yes | Default |
SingleValueExtendedProperties | A collection | A collection of single-value extended properties of type SingleValueLegacyExtendedProperty. This is a navigation property. Find more information about extended properties. |
Yes | Yes | No |
SentDateTime | datetimeoffset | The date and time the message was sent. | No | Yes | No |
Subject | String | The subject of the message. | Yes | Yes | Default |
ToRecipients | Collection (Recipient) | The To recipients for the message. | Yes | No | Yes |
UniqueBody | ItemBody | The body of the message that is unique to the conversation. | No | No | No |
WebLink | String | The URL to open the message in Outlook Web App. You can append an ispopout argument to the end of the URL to change how the message is displayed. If ispopout is not present or if it is set to 1, then the message is shown in a popout window. If ispopout is set to 0, then the browser will show the message in the Outlook Web App review pane. The message will open in the browser if you are logged in to your mailbox via Outlook Web App. You will be prompted to login if you are not already logged in with the browser. This URL can be accessed from within an iFrame. |
No | Yes | No |
The message body can be either HTML or text. If the body is HTML, by default, any potentially unsafe HTML (for example, JavaScript) embedded in the Body property would be removed before the body content is returned in a REST response.
To get the entire, original HTML content, include the following HTTP request header:
Prefer: outlook.allow-unsafe-html
When a message is being composed, in most cases, the From and Sender properties represent the same signed-in user, unless either is updated as described in the following scenarios:
The From property can be changed if the Exchange administrator has assigned SendAs rights of the mailbox to some other users. The administrator can do this by selecting Mailbox Permissions of the mailbox owner in the Azure Management Portal, or by using the Exchange Admin Center or a Windows PowerShell Add-ADPermission cmdlet. Then, you can programmatically set the From property to one of these users who have SendAs rights for that mailbox.
The Sender property can be changed if the mailbox owner has delegated one or more users to be able to send messages from that mailbox. The mailbox owner can delegate in Outlook. When a delegate sends a message on behalf of the mailbox owner, the Sender property is set to the delegate’s account, and the From property remains as the mailbox owner. Programmatically, you can set the Sender property to a user who has got delegate right for that mailbox.
This feature is currently available in beta. To find out more, in the table of contents on the left, go to the Office 365 REST API reference section and select beta.
This feature is currently available in beta. To find out more, in the table of contents on the left, go to the Office 365 REST API reference section and select beta.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Photo
A photo accessed from Exchange Online. It's binary data not encoded in base-64.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
Height | int | The height of the photo | No | No |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the photo. | No | No |
Width | int | The width of the photo. | No | No |
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.ReferenceAttachment
Base type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Attachment
A link to a file or folder, attached to a message, event, or task. Possible locations for the file or folder includes OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, and DropBox. Derived from the Attachment entity.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
ContentType | String | The MIME type of the attachment. Optional. | Yes | No |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the reference attachment. | No | No |
IsFolder | Boolean | Specifies whether the attachment is a link to a folder. Must set this to true if SourceUrl is a link to a folder. Optional. | Yes | No |
IsInline | Boolean | true if the attachment is an inline attachment; otherwise, false . Optional. |
Yes | Yes |
LastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time when the attachment was last modified. The date and time use ISO 8601 format and is always in UTC time. For example, midnight UTC on Jan 1, 2014 would look like this: '2014-01-01T00:00:00Z'. Optional. | No | Yes |
Name | String | The display name of the attachment. This does not need to be the actual file name. Required. | Yes | Yes |
Permission | ReferenceAttachmentPermissions | Specifies the permissions granted for the attachment by the type of provider in ProviderType. Possible values are: Other , View , Edit , AnonymousView , AnonymousEdit , OrganizationView , OrganizationEdit . Optional. |
Yes | No |
PreviewUrl | String | Applies to only a reference attachment of an image - URL to get a preview image. Use ThumbnailUrl and PreviewUrl only when SourceUrl identifies an image file. Optional. | Yes | No |
ProviderType | ReferenceAttachmentProviders | The type of provider that supports an attachment of this ContentType. Possible values are: Other , OneDriveBusiness , OneDriveConsumer , Dropbox . Optional. |
Yes | Yes |
Size | Int32 | The length of the attachment in bytes. Optional. | No | No |
SourceUrl | String | URL to get the attachment content. If this is a URL to a folder, then for the folder to be displayed correctly in Outlook or Outlook on the web, set IsFolder to true. Required. | Yes | No |
ThumbnailUrl | String | Applies to only a reference attachment of an image - URL to get a thumbnail image. Use ThumbnailUrl and PreviewUrl only when SourceUrl identifies an image file. Optional. | Yes | No |
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Task
An Outlook item that can track a work item. You can use a task to track the start, due and actual completion dates and times, its progress or status, whether it's recurring, and requires reminding.
For each of the following date-related properties:
- CompletedDateTime
- CreatedDateTime
- DueDateTime
- LastModifiedDateTime
- ReminderDateTime
- StartDateTime
If the property is set, then, by default, the Task REST API returns it in UTC in a REST response. Find more information about setting StartDateTime and DueDateTime and returning date-related properties in a custom time zone.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
AssignedTo | String | The name of the person who has been assigned the task. | No | Yes |
Attachments | Collection(Attachment) | The collection of FileAttachment and ItemAttachment attachments for the task. Navigation property. | No | No |
Body | ItemBody | The task body that typically contains information about the task. Note that only HTML type is supported. | Yes | No |
Categories | Collection(String) | The categories associated with the task. | Yes | Yes |
ChangeKey | String | The version of the task. | No | No |
CompletedDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | The date in the specified time zone that the task was finished. | Yes | Yes |
CreatedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time when the task was created. By default, it is in UTC. You can provide a custom time zone in the request header. | No | Yes |
DueDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | The date in the specified time zone that the task is to be finished. | Yes | Yes |
HasAttachments | boolean | Set to true if the task has attachments. | No | Yes |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the task. | No | No |
Importance | Importance | The importance of the event: Low , Normal , High . |
Yes | Yes |
IsReminderOn | boolean | Set to true if an alert is set to remind the user of the task. | Yes | No |
LastModifiedDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The date and time when the task was last modified. By default, it is in UTC. You can provide a custom time zone in the request header. | No | Yes |
Owner | String | The name of the person who created the task. | No | Yes |
ParentFolderId | String | The unique identifier for the task's parent folder. | No | No |
Recurrence | PatternedRecurrence | The recurrence pattern for the task. | Yes | No |
ReminderDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | The date and time for a reminder alert of the task to occur. | Yes | No |
Sensitivity | Sensitivity | Indicates the level of privacy for the event: Normal , Personal , Private , Confidential . |
Yes | Yes |
StartDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | The date in the specified time zone when the task is to begin. | Yes | Yes |
Status | TaskStatus | Indicates state or progress of the task: NotStarted , InProgress , Completed , WaitingOnOthers , Deferred . |
Yes | Yes |
Subject | String | A brief description or title of the task. | Yes | Yes |
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.TaskFolder
A folder that contains tasks. In Outlook, the default task group, My Tasks
, contains a default task folder, Tasks
, for the user's mailbox. You cannot rename or delete these default task group and folder, but you can create additional task groups and task folders.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
ChangeKey | String | The version of the task folder. | No | No |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the task folder. | No | No |
IsDefaultFolder | Boolean | True if the folder is the default task folder. | No | Yes |
Name | String | The name of the task folder. | Yes | Yes |
ParentGroupKey | Edm.Guid | The unique GUID identifier for the task folder's parent group. | No | No |
Tasks | Collection(Task) | The tasks in this task folder. Navigation property. | No | No |
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.TaskGroup
A group of folders that contain tasks. In Outlook, there is a default task group My Tasks
which you cannot rename or delete. You can, however, create additional task groups.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
ChangeKey | String | The version of the task group. | No | No |
GroupKey | Edm.Guid | The unique GUID identifier for the task group. | No | No |
Id | String | The unique identifier of the task group. | No | No |
IsDefaultGroup | Boolean | True if the task group is the default task group. | No | Yes |
Name | String | The name of the task group. | Yes | Yes |
TaskFolders | Collection(TaskFolder) | The task folders in this task group. Navigation property. | No | No |
A user in the system. The Me endpoint is provided as a shortcut for specifying the current user by SMTP address (users/sadie@contoso.com
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.User
A Users
collection returns an array of users in the value property of the OData response. Use $count
to get the count of entities in the collection: .../me/users/$count
The User entity includes many properties and relationships (navigation properties) that are augmented frequently. The following section describes only a subset. For current information, refer to the User definition in the corresponding metadata file for your version.
Property | Type | Description | Writable? | Filterable? |
Alias | String | The user's alias. Typically the SMTP address of the user. | Yes | Yes |
Calendar | Calendar | The user's primary calendar. Navigation property. | No | No |
CalendarGroups | Collection(CalendarGroup) | The user's calendar groups. Navigation property. | No | No |
Calendars | Collection(Calendar) | The user's calendars. Navigation property. | No | No |
CalendarView | Collection(Event) | The calendar view for the calendar. Navigation property. | No | No |
ContactFolders | Collection(ContactFolder) | The user's contacts folders. Navigation property. | No | No |
Contacts | Collection(Contact) | The user's contacts. Navigation property. | No | No |
DisplayName | String | The user's display name. | Yes | Yes |
Events | Collection(Event) | The user's events. Default is to show Events under the Default Calendar. Navigation property. | No | No |
Id | String | The unique identifier for the user. | No | No |
InferenceClassification | InferenceClassification | Relevance classification of the user's messages based on explicit designations which override inferred relevance or importance. Navigation property. | Yes | Yes |
MailboxGuid | guid | The GUID assigned to the user's mailbox. | No | Yes |
MailboxSettings | MailboxSettings | Settings for the primary mailbox of the signed-in user. | Yes | No |
MailFolders | Collection(MailFolder) | The folders in a mailbox. Navigation property. | No | No |
Messages | Collection(Message) | The messages in a mailbox or folder. Navigation property. | No | No |
RootFolder | MailFolder | The root folder of the user's mailbox. Navigation property. | No | No |
- Attendee
- AttendeeAvailability
- AttendeeBase
- AutomaticRepliesSetting
- DateTimeTimeZone
- EmailAddress
- GeoCoordinates
- ItemBody
- LocaleInfo
- Location
- LocationConstraint
- LocationConstraintItem
- MailboxSettings
- MeetingTimeSuggestion
- MeetingTimeSuggestionsResult
- PatternedRecurrence
- PhysicalAddress
- Recipient
- RecurrencePattern
- RecurrenceRange
- ResponseStatus
- TimeConstraint
- TimeSlot
An event attendee.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Recipient
Property | Type | Description |
Status | ResponseStatus | The response (none, accepted, declined, etc.) and time. |
Type | AttendeeType | The type of the attendee. Possible values are: Required , Optional , Resource . |
The type and availability of an attendee.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.AttendeeAvailability
Property | Type | Description |
Attendee | AttendeeBase | The type of attendee - whether it's a person, or a resource. |
Availability | FreeBusyStatus | The availability status of the attendee. |
The type of attendee.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Recipient
Property | Type | Description |
Type | AttendeeType | The type of the attendee. Possible values are: Required , Optional , Resource . NOTE: If the attendee is a person, FindMeetingTimes always considers the person is of the Required type. |
Configuration settings to automatically notify the sender of an incoming email with a message from the signed-in user. For example, an automatic reply to notify that the signed-in user is unavailable to respond to emails.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.AutomaticRepliesSetting
Property | Type | Description |
ExternalAudience | ExternalAudienceScope | The set of audience external to the signed-in user's organization who will receive the ExternalReplyMessage, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled . Values are None = 0, ContactsOnly = 1, or All = 2. |
ExternalReplyMessage | String | The automatic reply to send to the specified external audience, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled . |
InternalReplyMessage | String | The automatic reply to send to the audience internal to the signed-in user's organization, if Status is AlwaysEnabled or Scheduled . |
ScheduledEndDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | The date and time that automatic replies are set to end, if Status is set to Scheduled . You can set the time zone using the Prefer: outlook.timezone HTTP header in the Get operation. |
ScheduledStartDateTime | DateTimeTimeZone | The date and time that automatic replies are set to begin, if Status is set to Scheduled . You can set the time zone using the Prefer: outlook.timezone HTTP header in the Get operation. |
Status | AutomaticRepliesStatus | Configurations status for automatic replies: Disabled = 0, AlwaysEnabled = 1, Scheduled = 2. |
Describes the date, time, and time zone of a point in time.
Property | Type | Description |
DateTime | DateTime | A single point of time in a combined date and time representation (<date>T<time> ) according to ISO 8601 format. |
TimeZone | String | One of the following time zone names. |
The TimeZone property can be set to any of the time zones supported by Windows, as well as the following time zones names. See TimeZone for more information.
The name and email address of a contact or message recipient.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.EmailAddress
Property | Type | Description |
Name | String | The display name of the person or entity. |
Address | String | The email address of the person or entity. |
The geographic coordinates and elevation of the location.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.GeoCoordinates
Property | Type | Description |
Altitude | double | The altitude of the location. |
Latitude | double | The latitude of the location. |
Longitude | double | The longitude of the location. |
Accuracy | double | The accuracy of the sensor providing the latitude and longitude. |
AltitudeAccuracy | double | The accuracy of the sensor providing the altitude. |
The body content of a message or event.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.ItemBody
Property | Type | Description |
ContentType | BodyType | The content type: Text = 0, HTML = 1. |
Content | String | The text or HTML content. |
Information about the locale, including the preferred language and country/region, of the signed-in user.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.LocaleInfo
Property | Type | Description |
DisplayName | String | A name representing a locale by its natural language, for example, "English (United States)". |
Locale | String | A locale representation which includes the language and country/region. For example, "en-us". The language component follows 2-letter codes as defined in ISO 639-1, and the country component follows 2-letter codes as defined in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2. |
The location of an event.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Location
Property | Type | Description |
DisplayName | String | The name associated with the location. |
Address | PhysicalAddress | The physical address of the location. |
Coordinates | GeoCoordinates | The geographic coordinates and elevation of the location. |
LocationEmailAddress | String | Optional email address of the location. |
The conditions stated by a client for the location of a meeting.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.LocationConstraint
Property | Type | Description |
IsRequired | boolean | The client requests the service to include in the response a meeting location for the meeting. |
SuggestLocation | boolean | The client requests the service to suggest one or more meeting locations. |
Locations | Collection(LocationConstraintItem) | One or more locations that the client requests for a meeting. |
The conditions stated by a client for checking the availability of each location of a meeting, and other information about the location.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Location
Property | Type | Description |
ResolveAvailability | boolean | If set to true and the specified resource is busy, FindMeetingTimes looks for another resource that is free. If set to false and the specified resource is busy, FindMeetingTimes returns the resource best ranked in the user's cache without checking if it's free. Default is true. |
Settings for the primary mailbox of the user.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.MailboxSettings
Property | Type | Description |
AutomaticRepliesSetting | AutomaticRepliesSetting | Settings to configure automatically sending replies to incoming messages. |
TimeZone | String | The default time zone for the user's mailbox. |
Language | LocaleInfo | The locale information for the user, including the preferred language and country/region. |
A meeting suggestion that includes information like meeting time, attendance likelihood, individual attendee availability, and available meeting locations.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.MeetingTimeSuggestion
Property | Type | Description |
MeetingTimeSlot | TimeSlot | A time period suggested for the meeting. |
Confidence | double | A percentage that represents the likelihood of all the attendees attending. |
OrganizerAvailability | FreeBusyStatus | Availability of the meeting organizer for this meeting suggestion: Free , Tentative , Busy , Oof , WorkingElsewhere , Unknown . |
AttendeeAvailability | Collection(AttendeeAvailability) | An array that shows the availability status of each attendee for this meeting suggestion. |
Locations | Collection(Location) | An array that specifies the name and geographic location of each meeting location for this meeting suggestion. |
SuggestionReason | String | Describes the reasons for suggesting the meeting time. |
The Confidence property of a MeetingTimeSuggestion ranges from 0% to 100%, and represents the chance that all the attendees attend the meeting, based on each of their individual free/busy status:
- For each attendee, a free status for a specified meeting time period corresponds to 100% chance of attendance, unknown status 49%, and busy status 0%.
- The confidence of a meeting time candidate is computed by averaging the chance of attendance over all the attendees specified for that meeting.
- You can use the MinimumAttendeePercentage optional parameter for FindMeetingTimes to specify only meeting time slots of at least certain confidence level should be returned. For example, you can specify a MinimumAttendeePercentage of 80% if you want only suggestions that have an 80% chance or more that all the attendees are attending. If you do not specify MinimumAttendeePercentage, FindMeetingTimes assumes a value of 50%.
- If there are multiple meeting time candidates, the FindMeetingTimes action first orders the candidates by their computed confidence value from high to low. If there are candidates with the same confidence, the action then orders these candidates chronologically.
As an example, if a meeting time slot involves 3 attendees with the following free/busy status:
Attendee | Free/busy status | % Chance of attendance |
Dana | Free | 100% |
John | Unknown | 49% |
Fanny | Busy | 0% |
Then the confidence of the meeting time slot, which is the average chance of attendance, is (100% + 49% + 0%)/3 = 49.66%.
If you specify a MinimumAttendeePercentage of 80% in a FindMeetingTimes operation, because 49.66% < 80%, the operation will not return this time slot in the response.
A collection of meeting suggestions if there is any, or the reason if there isn't.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.MeetingTimeSuggestionsResult
Property | Type | Description |
MeetingTimeSuggestions | Collection(MeetingTimeSuggestion) | An array of meeting suggestions. |
EmptySuggestionsReason | String | A reason for not returning any meeting suggestions. Possible values are: AttendeesUnavailable , LocationsUnavailable , OrganizerUnavailable , AttendeesUnavailableOrUnknown , or Unknown . |
The EmptySuggestionsReason property specifies one of the following reasons why the FindMeetingTimes action does not return any meeting suggestions. The property is an empty string if FindMeetingTimes does return any meeting suggestions.
Value | Reasons |
AttendeesUnavailable | All of the attendees' availability is known, but not enough attendees are available to reach the meeting confidence threshold, which is 50% by default. |
AttendeesUnavailableOrUnknown | Some or all of the attendees have unknown availability, causing the meeting confidence to fall below the set threshold, which is 50% by default. Attendee availability can become unknown if the attendee is outside of the organization, or there is an error obtaining free/busy information. |
LocationsUnavailable | The IsRequired property of the LocationConstraint parameter is specified as mandatory, and yet there are no locations available at the calculated time slots. |
OrganizerUnavailable | The IsOrganizerOptional parameter is false and yet the organizer is not available during the requested time window. |
Unknown | The reason for not returning any meeting suggestions is not known. |
The recurrence pattern and range.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.PatternedRecurrence
Property | Type | Description |
Pattern | RecurrencePattern | The frequency of an event. |
Range | RecurrenceRange | The duration of an event. |
The physical address of a contact.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.PhysicalAddress
Property | Type | Description |
Street | String | The street. |
City | String | The city. |
State | String | The state. |
CountryOrRegion | String | The country or region. It's a free-format string value, for example, "United States". |
PostalCode | String | The postal code. |
Represents information about a user in the sending or receiving end of an event or message.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.Recipient
Property | Type | Description |
EmailAddress | EmailAddress | The recipient's email address. |
The frequency of an event.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.RecurrencePattern
Property | Type | Description |
Type | RecurrencePatternType | The recurrence pattern type: Daily = 0, Weekly = 1, AbsoluteMonthly = 2, RelativeMonthly = 3, AbsoluteYearly = 4, RelativeYearly = 5. Pattern rules: - AbsoluteYearly. Must set the Month and DayOfMonth of the occurrence - RelativeYearly. Must set the Month, DaysOfWeek, and FirstDayOfWeek index - AbsoluteMonthly. Must set the DayOfMonth - RelativeMonthly. Must set the FirstDayOfWeek index and the RecurrenceRange.NumberOfOccurrences - Weekly. Must set the DaysOfWeek and the FirstDayOfWeek - Daily. No additional pattern information needed. |
Interval | Int32 | The number of units of a given recurrence type between occurrences. |
DayOfMonth | Int32 | The day of month that the item occurs on. |
Month | Int32 | The month that the item occurs on. This is a number from 1 to 12. |
DaysOfWeek | Collection(DayOfWeek) | A collection of days of the week: Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6. |
FirstDayOfWeek | DayOfWeek | The day of the week: Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, Tuesday = 2, Wednesday = 3, Thursday = 4, Friday = 5, Saturday = 6. |
Index | WeekIndex | The week index: First = 0, Second = 1, Third = 2, Fourth = 3, Last = 4. |
The duration of an event.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.RecurrenceRange
Property | Type | Description |
Type | RecurrenceRangeType | The recurrence range: EndDate = 0, NoEnd = 1, Numbered = 2. |
StartDate | datetimeoffset | Required: The start date of the series. |
EndDate | datetimeoffset | Required for date bound patterns:The end date of the series. Must be after the start date. |
NumberOfOccurrences | Int32 | Required for Numbered patterns: How many times to repeat the event. |
The response status of a meeting request.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.ResponseStatus
Property | Type | Description |
Response | ResponseType | The response type: None , Organizer , TentativelyAccepted , Accepted , Declined , NotResponded . |
Time | datetimeoffset | The date and time that the response was returned. |
Restricts meeting time suggestions to certain hours and days of the week according to the specified nature of activity and open time slots.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.TimeConstraint
Property | Type | Description |
ActivityDomain | ActivityDomain | Optional, the nature of the activity: Work , Personal , Unrestricted , or Unknown . |
Timeslots | Collection(TimeSlot) | An array of time periods. |
A time period.
Type: Microsoft.OutlookServices.TimeSlot
Property | Type | Description |
Start | DateTimeTimeZone | The time a period begins. |
End | DateTimeTimeZone | The time the period ends. |
- ActivityDomain
- AutomaticRepliesStatus
- DayOfWeek
- ExternalAudienceScope
- FreeBusyStatus
- InferenceClassificationType
- TaskStatus
The nature of an activity.
Supported values:
- Work
- Personal
- Unrestricted
- Unknown
The configuration status for automatically sending a reply when the user's mailbox receives a message.
Supported values:
- AlwaysEnabled
- Disabled
- Scheduled
The set of days of the week.
Supported values:
- Sunday
- Monday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- Thursday
- Friday
- Saturday
The set of external audience to send the ExternalReplyMessage to.
Supported values:
- All
- ContactsOnly
- None
Specifies the availability status of an attendee for a meeting.
Supported values:
- Busy
- Free
- Oof
- Tentative
- Unknown
- WorkingElsewhere
Represents the inferred relevance of a message for a user to focus on.
Supported values:
- Focused
- Other
Access permissions for the file or folder of the reference attachment.
Supported values:
- Other
- View
- Edit
- AnonymousView
- AnonymousEdit
- OrganizationView
- OrganizationEdit
Possible file storage providers for reference attachments.
Supported values:
- Dropbox
- OneDriveBusiness
- OneDriveConsumer
- Other
Indicates the level of privacy.
Supported values:
- Normal
- Personal
- Private
- Confidential
Specifies the state or progress of a task.
Supported values:
- Completed
- Deferred
- InProgress
- NotStarted
- WaitingOnOthers
You can use standard OData v4.0 query parameters to filter data requests and sort and page results when working with the Mail, Calendar, and Contacts APIs. When specifying query parameters, make sure characters that are reserved for special meanings in an URI are appropriately encoded.
to search for specific criteria$filter
to filter for specific criteria$select
to request specific properties$orderby
to sort results$top
to page results$expand
to expand message attachments and event attachments$count
to get the count of entities in a collection. This parameter goes in the URL path:.../me/calendars/$count
Querying with the Mail, Calendar, and Contacts APIs always uses a shallow scope. Only items within the current folder are returned. Deep searches are not supported.
You can use the $search
parameter to restrict the results of a request to the messages that match a search expression. Search strings are expressed using Advanced Query Syntax (AQS). The results are sorted by the date and time that the message was sent.
You can get up to 250 results from a $search
request. You can use $search
with only messages. Searching contacts and calendar events is not supported.
You cannot use $filter
or $orderby
in a search request. If you do, you will receive an error message like this one.
"message":"The query parameter 'OrderBy' is invalid."
Property | Description |
Attachment | Searches for the specified attachment by title. |
Bcc | Searches the Bcc field. |
Body or Content | Searches the Body field. Only supported with default searches. |
Category | Searches the Category field. |
Cc | Searches the Cc field. |
From | Searches the From field. |
Has | Searches the HasAttachments field. |
Participants | Searches the To, Cc, and Bcc fields. |
Received | Searches the Received field for a specific date expressed as MM/DD/YYYY. |
Sender | Searches the Sender field. |
Subject | Searches the Subject field. |
To | Searches the To field. |
You search common fields by using the $search
query parameter without specifying a property. A default search will search the Body, Sender, and Subject properities. The following search will return all messages in the Inbox that contains "pizza" in any of the three default properties.
Let's look at some examples. To make them easier to read, the URLs in the examples have not been URL encoded; however, if you try these examples make sure to URL encode them before you send them to the server.
To get all messages in the Inbox that contain the word "Pizza" in the From, Subject, or Body property, you can use this request.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$search="pizza"
To get all messages in the Inbox that contain the word "Pizza" in the Subject property, you can use this request.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$search="subject:pizza"
To get all messages in the Inbox that were sent from a specific person, you can use this request.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$search="from:help@contoso.com"
The examples above did not include URL encoding, here are the same examples URL encoded and ready to send to your server:
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$search=%22pizza%22
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$search=%22subject:pizza%22
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$search=%22from:help@contoso.com%22
You can use the $filter
query parameter to specify search criteria by using the following filter operators.
Not all properties support filtering. Only the resource properties marked "Yes" in the "Filterable?" column in their corresponding tables above can be used. If a property is not filterable, you will get an error message in response, like this one that is returned if you try to filter on the ChangeKey property:
"message":"The property 'ChangeKey' does not support filtering."
If you use a filtering method that is not supported, you will get an error message like this one that is returned when the startswith
filter method is used on the Subject property:
"message":"'contains' and 'startswith' are not supported for filtering. Use Search instead."
Operator | Type | Example |
and | Logical And (used to combine multiple criteria) | TotalCount gt 0 and ChildFolderCount eq 0 |
or | Logical Or (used to combine multiple criteria) | TotalCount gt 0 or ChildFolderCount eq 0 |
eq | Equals | IsRead eq false |
ne | Not equals | Importance ne Microsoft.Exchange.Services.OData.Model.Importance'High' |
gt | Greater than | ReceivedDateTime gt 2014-09-01T00:00:00Z |
ge | Greater than or equal | LastModifiedDateTime ge 2014-09-01T00:00:00Z |
lt | Less than | ReceivedDateTime lt 2014-09-01T00:00:00Z |
le | Less than or equal | LastModifiedDateTime le 2014-09-01T00:00:00Z |
Use single quotes (') to delimit any String value in the filter criterion. Use %27
to URL-encode the single quote. The String itself is not case-sensitive.
Let's take a look at some examples. To make them easier to read, the URLs in the examples have not been URL encoded; however, if you try these examples make sure to URL encode them before you send them to the server.
To get all the events in the user's default calendar that start on or after a specific date, you can filter on the Start property.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/events?$filter=Start/DateTime ge '2016-04-01T08:00'
To get all the events in the user's calendar with a specific subject, you can filter on the Subject property.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/events?$filter=Subject eq 'Mega Charity Bash'
To get all unread messages in the Inbox, you can filter on the IsRead property.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$filter=IsRead eq false
To get all messages in the Inbox with attachments, you can filter on the HasAttachments property.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$filter=HasAttachments eq true
To get all messages in the Inbox received since September 1, 2014, you can filter on the ReceivedDateTime property.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$filter=ReceivedDateTime ge 2014-09-01
To get all messages in the Inbox sent from "hr@contoso.com", you can filter on the Sender property.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$filter=From/EmailAddress/Address eq 'hr@contoso.com'
The examples above did not include URL encoding, here are the same examples URL encoded and ready to send to your server:
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/events?$filter=Start/DateTime%20ge%20%272016-04-01T08:00%27
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/events?$filter=Subject%20eq%20%27Mega%20Charity%20Bash%27
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$filter=IsRead%20eq%20false
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$filter=HasAttachments%20eq%20true
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$filter=ReceivedDateTime%20ge%202014-09-01
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$filter=From/EmailAddress/Address%20eq%20%27hr@contoso.com%27
You can use the $select
query parameter to specify only the properties your app needs.
When getting mail, calendar and contact items, always use $select
to exclude unneeded properties in the response payload in order to maintain reasonable app performance. If you don't include a $select
parameter, all properties for the items are returned.
The following example gets the Subject, Sender, and ReceivedDateTime properties for all messages in the Inbox.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$select=Subject,Sender,ReceivedDateTime
You can sort results by using the $orderby
query parameter. Set the value of this parameter to a property name and optionally specify ascending (default) or descending order. Remember, you can't use the $orderby
query parameter with $search
The following example without URL encoding gets all messages in the Inbox sorted by the ReceivedDateTime property in descending order.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$orderby=ReceivedDateTime desc
The same example with URL encoding:
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$orderby=ReceivedDateTime%20desc
By default, a GET request on a Messages or ChildFolders property, a collection, or a CalendarView returns ten entries (maximum 50). You can change this behavior by using the $top
query parameter to set a maximum number. The following example gets the first five messages in the Inbox.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$top=5
If there are more than five messages in the Inbox, the response includes an odata.nextLink property. The presence of this property indicates there are more items available on the server. The value of this property is a URI that can be used to get the next five items.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages?$top=5&$skip=5
Paging is achieved by using the $top
parameter to specify a page size and the $skip
parameter as a multiple of the page size. By incrementing the $skip
parameter value by the page size you can request the next page in the set of results.
You can get the count of entities in a collection by using the $count
parameter. You can also filter the count request.
This example gets the count of messages in the Inbox.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages/$count
And this example without URL encoding gets the count of unread messages in the Inbox.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages/$count?$filter=IsRead eq false
The same example with URL encoding.
GET https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/me/messages/$count?$filter=IsRead%20eq%20false
You can combine parameters to create complex queries. The following example refines a query of the messages in the Inbox in the following ways:
Return only items with Importance set to High.
Return only the Subject, Sender, and ReceivedDateTime properties.
Return only the first five messages.
URL encoding isn't used and line breaks have been added to make the example easier to read.
$filter=Importance eq 'High'
When you specify $filter
the server will infer a sort order for the results. If you use both $filter
and $orderby
, the properties in the $filter
must be listed first in the $orderby
before any other properties, and they must be listed in the order that they appear in the $filter
The following example shows a query filtered by both the Subject and Importance properties, and then sorted by the Subject, Importance, and Sender properties.
$filter=Subject eq 'Good Times' AND Importance eq 'High'&
Here's the same example with URL encoding and without line breaks.
- Outlook REST API on the Outlook Dev Center
- Overview of developing on the Office 365 platform
- Office 365 app authentication and resource authorization
- Manually register your app with Azure AD so it can access Office 365 APIs
- Outlook Mail REST API reference
- Outlook Calendar REST API reference
- Outlook Contacts REST API reference
- Outlook Task REST API reference