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User and Group Permissions (Master Data Manager)

Use User and Group Permissions to give users and groups permission to access Master Data Manager.

With User and Group Permissions you can:

  • Assign permissions to a group, so that all users within the group have the same access.

  • Assign permissions to specific functions within Master Data Manager, such as Explorer or Version Management.

  • Assign permissions to specific models, entities, attributes, and hierarchy members.

  • Assign granular permissions. For example, you can give a user read-only access to one member attribute but allow them to update other attributes for the same member.

  • Deny access to specific data, so users cannot view any of the data you specify.

  • View which permissions are inherited from a group, as well as permissions that are explicitly assigned to a user.

  • View which permissions are inherited from a higher node in a tree, as well as permissions that are explicitly assigned to an individual node.

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