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Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing Namespace

Contains managed classes that are used to develop StreamInsight applications. StreamInsight applications create structures that define the events, adapters, and queries used in the application. For more information, see StreamInsight End-to-End Example.


  Class Description
Public class AdapterAdvanceTimeSettings Adapter factories can use this class to instruct the engine on how to automatically advance application time for their adapters.
Public class AdvanceTimeGenerationSettings Defines how and when the engine should advance application time by inserting a Current Time Increment (CTI) event.
Public class AdvanceTimeImportSettings Defines another input stream as the source of application current time increments (CTIs) events during query binding. This feature enables the synchronization of two streams.
Public class AdvanceTimeSettings The settings that instruct the engine on how to advance application time for an input stream.
Public class Application Represents an application on a CEP server. Applications serve as containers for further CEP metadata objects.
Public class ApplicationObject Base class for all objects that are contained in an application.
Public class CepEventType Represents an event type that is used by a CEP application. Event payloads as well as their fields have associated CEP event types.
Public class CepEventTypeField Represents a single field in a CEP event type.
Public class CepObject Represents the base class for CEP objects.
Public class CepObjectReadOnlyDictionary<T> Implements a generic read-only collection for CEP metadata objects.
Public class CheckpointConfiguration Configures a server to support checkpointing.
Public class ConnectionException Exception thrown when connecting to a server fails.
Public class DiagnosticSettings Represents a collection of diagnostic settings.
Public class DiagnosticView Represents a diagnostic view for a single engine object as a bag of name-value pairs (properties).
Public class DynamicQueryCompositionExtensions This class contains the extension methods to the Query class for dynamic query composition.
Public class EdgeEvent Defines methods and properties that allow adapters and user-defined operators to create and access edge events.
Public class EdgeEvent<TPayload> An edge event represents either the start or end of a CEP event.
Public class EventInstance Abstract class that represents a user-facing event. This is a wrapper around an underlying event in the system.
Public class EventTypeConverter Represents functionality to convert a CLR type into a CEP event type.
Public class EventTypeConverter<T> Represents functionality to convert a CLR type into a CEP event type.
Public class InputAdapter Class that represents an input adapter as a CEP metadata object.
Public class InputStreamBinding Represents binding information for an input stream of a query.
Public class IntervalEvent Defines methods and properties that allow adapters and user-defined operators to create and access interval events.
Public class IntervalEvent<TPayload> Defines methods and properties that allow adapters and user-defined operators to create and access interval events
Public class InvalidDefinitionException Exception thrown when creating a CEP metadata object fails.
Public class InvalidNameException Exception thrown when creating a type fails.
Public class ManagementException Exception thrown when creating a type fails.
Public class OutputAdapter Class that represents an output adapter as CEP metadata object.
Public class OutputStreamBinding Represents binding information for the output stream of a query.
Public class PointEvent Defines methods and properties that allow adapters and user-defined operators to create and access point events.
Public class PointEvent<TPayload> Defines methods and properties that allow adapters and user-defined operators to create and access point events.
Public class Query Represents a query object in CEP metadata.
Public class QueryAbortException The exception that is raised when a query stops due to a failure.
Public class QueryBinder Represents a client-side helper class to bind query producers and consumers in order to create a query object.
Public class QueryTemplate Represents a query template metadata object.
Public class QueryTemplateInput Represents a stream entry point in a query template.
Public class Server Represents a CEP server.
Public class SqlCeMetadataProviderConfiguration Represents configuration information specific to the SqlCe metadata provider.
Public class TypeCreationException Txception thrown when creating a type fails.
Public class TypedEvent<TPayload> Represents a typed event.
Public class UntypedEvent Represents an untyped event.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AdvanceTimeFrequencyType Defines when the engine advances application time.
Public enumeration AdvanceTimePolicy Defines the different policies for how the engine can handle input events that would violate the current application time.
Public enumeration AdvanceTimeSourceType Defines the options for how application time can be advanced on an input stream.
Public enumeration DiagnosticAspect Enumeration of different diagnostics aspects that can be turned on or off separately.
Public enumeration DiagnosticLevel Enumeration of different verbosity levels for the diagnostic aspects.
Public enumeration DiagnosticViewProperty Enumeration of all diagnostic view properties.
Public enumeration EdgeType Enumerates the valid edge types.
Public enumeration EventKind Enumerates the valid kinds of events.
Public enumeration EventShape Specifies the shape of events that the stream contains.
Public enumeration StreamEventOrder Specifies the event order in a query output stream.