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DiagnosticViewProperty Enumeration

Enumeration of all diagnostic view properties.

Namespace:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing
Assembly:  Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing (in Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing.dll)


public enum DiagnosticViewProperty


Member name Description
AdapterState Obsolete. The current state of the adapter (String).
AdapterNumberOfRunningWorkers Number of instances of the adapter in the Running state.
AdapterNumberOfStoppedWorkers Number of instances of the adapter in the Stopped state.
AdapterNumberOfSuspendedWorkers Number of instances of the adapter in the Suspended state.
AdapterTotalSuspendCount The total number of times the adapter was suspended.
AdapterMinSuspendCountAcrossWorkers The minimum number of times that an instance of the adapter has been suspended.
AdapterMaxSuspendCountAcrossWorkers The maximum number of times an instance of the adapter was suspended.
AdapterTotalTimeInSuspendedState The total time the adapter was in suspended state (TimeSpan).
AdapterMinTimeInSuspendedStateAcrossWorkers The minimum time that an instance of the adapter was in the suspended state.
AdapterMaxTimeInSuspendedStateAcrossWorkers The maximum time that an instance of the adapter was in the suspended state.
AdapterTotalTimeInNonSuspendedState The total time the adapter was in a non-suspended state (TimeSpan).
AdapterMinTimeInNonSuspendedStateAcrossWorkers The minimum time that an instance of the adapter was in a non-suspended state.
AdapterMaxTimeInNonSuspendedStateAcrossWorkers The maximum time that an instance of the adapter was in a non-suspended state.
AdapterStateTransitionHistory The XML representation of the last few adapter state transitions (String).
AdapterFirstCtiTimestamp The timestamp of the first CTI (in application time) produced or consumed by the adapter (DateTime).
InputAdapterLastCheckpointHighWaterMark The high-water mark of application time used for the last checkpoint of this stream. This uniquely identifies a point in the input stream, and the stream should replay all events after this point during recovery.
OutputAdapterLastCheckpointHighWaterMark The application time high-water mark of the output stream for the last checkpoint taken by the query.
OutputAdapterLastCheckpointEventOffset The number of events since the application time high-water mark specifying the place in the output stream where the last checkpoint was taken.
BranchParentOperatorId Obsolete. The ID of the Group operator for the branch.
BranchGroupingFields Obsolete. The XML representation of the values of the grouping fields for the branch (String).
AllEventsCount The number of all events allocated in the server instance.
AllEventsMemory The total amount of memory used by all events on the server instance (bytes).
OperatorId The ID of the operator.
OperatorKind The kind of the operator (String).
OperatorQueryId The ID of the query for the operator.
OperatorSystemInstance Obsolete. Boolean value indicating whether the operator is a system operator (Boolean).
OperatorEventType The XML representation of the type of the events produced by the operator (String).
OperatorSchedulerId Obsolete. The ID of the scheduler for the operator.
OperatorNumberOfWorkers The number of computational units that are executing the operator.
OperatorTotalInputEventCount The total number of input events for the operator.
OperatorMinInputEventCountAcrossWorkers The minimum number of input events processed across all the workers for an operator.
OperatorMaxInputEventCountAcrossWorkers The maximum number of input events processed across all the workers for an operator.
OperatorTotalOutputEventCount The total number of output events for the operator.
OperatorMinOutputEventCountAcrossWorkers The minimum number of output events generated across all the workers for an operator.
OperatorMaxOutputEventCountAcrossWorkers The maximum number of output events generated across all the workers for an operator.
OperatorIndexEventCount The total number of events in the operator's indexes.
OperatorMinIndexEventCountAcrossWorkers The minimum number of events in the indexes across the workers of the operator.
OperatorMaxIndexEventCountAcrossWorkers The maximum number of events in the indexes across all the workers of the operator.
OperatorEventMemory The amount of memory used by the events in the operator's indexes (bytes).
OperatorMinEventMemoryAcrossWorkers The minimum amount of memory used by the events in the indexes across all workers of an operator (bytes).
OperatorMaxEventMemoryAcrossWorkers The maximum amount of memory used by the events in the indexes across all workers of an operator (bytes).
OperatorIndexMemory The amount of memory used by the indexes in the operator(bytes).
OperatorMinIndexMemoryAcrossWorkers The minimum amount of memory used by the indexes across all workers of an operator (bytes).
OperatorMaxIndexMemoryAcrossWorkers The maximum amount of memory used by the indexes across all workers of an operator (bytes).
OperatorTotalCpuUsage The total CPU usage of the operator in milliseconds.
OperatorMinCpuUsageAcrossWorkers The minimum CPU time usage across the workers of the operator (milliseconds).
OperatorMaxCpuUsageAcrossWorkers The maximum CPU time usage across the workers of the operator (milliseconds).
OperatorTotalScheduledCount The total number of times the operator was scheduled.
OperatorLastOutputCtiTimestamp The timestamp of the last CTI (in application time) produced by the operator (DateTime).
OperatorTotalOutputCtiCount The total number of CTI events produced by the operator.
OperatorMinOutputCtiCountAcrossWorkers The minimum number of CTI events produced across all the workers for an operator.
OperatorMaxOutputCtiCountAcrossWorkers The maximum number of CTI events produced across all the workers for an operator.
OperatorEventCountSinceLastCti The number of events produced by the operator since the last CTI.
OperatorGroupIdField The name of the group ID field for a Group and Apply operator.
OperatorTotalEventDroppedCount The total number of events dropped by all workers of the operator.
OperatorMinEventDroppedCount The minimum number of events dropped across the workers of the operator.
OperatorMaxEventDroppedCount The maximum number of events dropped across the workers of the operator.
OperatorTotalEventAdjustedCount The total number of events adjusted by all workers of the operator.
OperatorMinEventAdjustedCount The minimum number of events adjusted across the workers of the operator.
OperatorMaxEventAdjustedCount The maximum number of events adjusted across the workers of the operator.
AllQueriesCount The number of all queries instantiated on the server.
AllQueriesOperatorCount The number of all operators instantiated on the server.
AllQueriesStreamCount The number of all streams instantiated on the server.
PublishedStreamId The ID of the published stream.
PublishedStreamEventShape The event shape of the events in the published stream (String).
PublishedStreamEventType The XML representation of the event type of the events in the published stream (String).
PublishedStreamEventCount The number of events in the published stream.
PublishedStreamTotalEventCount The total number of events produced on the published stream.
PublishedStreamProducerCount The number of queries producing events in the published stream.
PublishedStreamConsumerCount The number of queries consuming events from the published stream.
QueryId The ID of the query.
QuerySystemInstance Obsolete. Boolean value indicating whether the query is a system query (Boolean).
QueryInstanceGroupId The instance group ID of the query.
QueryCreationTime The time when the query instance was created (DateTime).
QueryStartTime The start time of the query (DateTime).
QueryEndTime The end time of the query (DateTime).
QueryState The current state of the query (String).
QueryException The last exception that occurred in the query (String).
QueryTotalIncomingEventCount The total number of incoming events for the query.
QueryTotalConsumedEventCount The total number of events consumed by the query.
QueryTotalProducedEventCount The total number of events produced by the query.
QueryTotalOutgoingEventCount The total number of outgoing events for the query.
QueryLastIncomingEventTimestamp The system time of the last incoming event for the query (DateTime).
QueryLastConsumedEventTimestamp The system time of the last consumed event for the query (DateTime).
QueryLastProducedEventTimestamp The system time of the last produced event for the query (DateTime).
QueryLastOutgoingEventTimestamp The system time of the last outgoing event for the query (DateTime).
QueryTotalConsumedEventLatency The total latency of all events consumed by the query (milliseconds).
QueryTotalProducedEventLatency The total latency of all events produced by the query (milliseconds).
QueryTotalOutgoingEventLatency The total latency of all outgoing events for the query (milliseconds).
QueryLastProducedCtiTimestamp The timestamp (in application time) of the last CTI produced by the query.
QueryLastCheckpointBeginTime The time when the last checkpoint of the query began. This will not be present if a checkpoint has never been taken, if the query is stopped, or if the query is aborted.
QueryLastCheckpointEndTime The time when the last checkpoint of the query completed. This will not be present if a checkpoint has never been taken, if the query is stopped, or if the query is aborted.
QueryLastCheckpointSize The size in bytes of the last checkpoint of the query. This will not be present if a checkpoint has never been taken.
QueryIsResilient True if the query is configured for resiliency (regardless of the server state). False if not.
SchedulerId Obsolete. The ID of the scheduler.
SchedulerState Obsolete. The current state of the scheduler (String).
SchedulerStateTransitionHistory Obsolete. The XML representation of the last few scheduler state transitions (String).
SchedulerCurrentTaskId Obsolete. The ID of the currently running task on the scheduler.
SchedulerActiveTaskCount Obsolete. The number of active tasks on the scheduler.
SchedulerDormantTaskCount Obsolete. The number of dormant tasks on the scheduler.
SchedulerAsyncRunningTaskCount Obsolete. The number of running asynchronous tasks on the scheduler.
SchedulerCommandQueueLength Obsolete. The length of the scheduler command queue.
SchedulerLastErrorTaskId Obsolete. The ID of the last task that hit an error on the scheduler.
SchedulerLastTaskError Obsolete. The last task error on this scheduler (String).
SchedulerTaskCount Obsolete. The number of tasks on the scheduler.
SchedulerTotalBusyTime Obsolete. The total busy time of the scheduler(milliseconds).
SchedulerTotalIdleTime Obsolete. The total idle time of the scheduler(milliseconds).
SchedulerTotalContextSwitchTime Obsolete. The total context switch time of the scheduler(milliseconds).
SchedulerTotalContextSwitchCount Obsolete. The total number of context switches for the scheduler.
SchedulerTotalTaskErrorCount Obsolete. The total number of task errors on the scheduler.
StreamId The ID of the stream.
StreamQueryId The ID of the query for the stream.
StreamSourceOperatorId The ID of the source operator for the stream.
StreamTargetOperatorId The ID of the target operator for the stream.
StreamSystemInstance Boolean value indicating whether the stream is a system stream (Boolean).
StreamNumberOfWorkers The number of instances of this stream.
StreamTotalInputEventCount The total number of input events for the stream.
StreamMinInputEventCountAcrossWorkers The minimum number of input events across the instances of the stream.
StreamMaxInputEventCountAcrossWorkers The maximum number of input events across the instances of the stream.
StreamEventCount The number of events in the stream.
StreamMinEventCountAcrossWorkers The minimum number of events in all instances of the stream.
StreamMaxEventCountAcrossWorkers The maximum number of events in all instances of the stream.
StreamMemoryIncludingEvents The amount of memory used by the stream and all events in it(bytes).
StreamMinMemoryIncludingEventsAcrossWorkers The minimum amount of memory used across the instances of the stream (bytes).
StreamMaxMemoryIncludingEventsAcrossWorkers The maximum amount of memory used across the instances of the stream (bytes.
ServerLastRecoveryBeginTime The time the server began its last recovery process.
ServerLastRecoveryEndTime The time the server completed its last recovery process.
ServerCheckpointMemory The amount of memory taken up for checkpointing.
ServerVersion Assembly version of the server.


For more information about diagnostic views, see Monitoring the StreamInsight Server and Queries.

See Also


Microsoft.ComplexEventProcessing Namespace