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The SMS_SiteControlDaySchedule WMI class is an embedded object that contains usage information for each hour of the day.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_SiteControlDaySchedule
  boolean Backup[24];
  uint32 HourUsage[24];
  boolean update;


  • Backup
    Data type: boolean[]
    Access type: Read/write

    Array containing twenty-four elements, one for each hour of the day. A value of TRUE indicates that the address (sender) embedding SMS_SiteControlDaySchedule can be used as a backup.

  • HourUsage
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read/write

    Array containing twenty-four elements, one for each hour of the day. This property specifies the type of usage for each hour. Values are:
    ALL_BUT_LOW (2)
    HIGH_ONLY (3)
    CLOSED (4)

  • update
    Data type: boolean
    Access type: Read/write

    Indicates whether the usage data is to be saved when the parent address object is saved.

See Also

Site Configuration Classes, SMS_SCI_Address