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Site Configuration Classes

Site configuration classes include those classes relating to an installation of Systems Management Server (SMS) that consists of one or more computers running the SMS components.

You can configure the components of a site at any time to enhance the management of your site. Configuration information is contained in the install map and the site control file.

When you install SMS, it creates an install map. The install map describes the initial configuration of the installed features for the server, client, and SMS Administrator Console. The install map configuration data is read-only, and uses the following classes:

Classes derived from SMS_SiteInstallItem use the naming convention, SMS_SII_*. Classes derived from SMS_SiteInstallItemBase use the naming convention, SMS_SIIB_*.

The site control file describes the current configuration of the site and its components. You use the following class to manage the site control file and the site configuration data:

Classes derived from SMS_SiteControlItem use the naming convention, SMS_SCI_*.

Use the SMS_SiteControlItem class and the classes derived from it, such as SMS_SCI_Component, to access and modify the configuration items contained in the site control file.

For details on managing the site control file and changing a component's configuration, see Managing Site Control Configuration.

The following is a table of site configuration classes.

Class Description
SMS_Client_Reg_MultiString_List Embedded object that contains a property name and a list of property values.
SMS_ConfigData This class is used for internal purposes only and is intentionally undocumented.
SMS_EmbeddedProperty General purpose embedded object that contains a property name and its property value.
SMS_EmbeddedPropertyList General purpose embedded object that contains a property name and its list of property values.
SMS_Identification Provides basic information about the installed SMS site, such as its language version, site code, and server provider.
SMS_SCI_Address Describes an SMS sender address which is used for inter-site communication by SMS sender components.
SMS_SCI_ClientComp Specifies a client component configuration.
SMS_SCI_ClientConfig Contains general client configuration information that can be used by more than one client component.
SMS_SCI_Component Specifies the configuration of an SMS server component.
SMS_SCI_Configuration Specifies additional configuration information for some SMS server components.
SMS_SCI_FileDefinition Defines the basic properties of the site control file (SCF). Do not modify instances of this class.
SMS_SCI_Property Not used. See SMS_EmbeddedProperty.
SMS_SCI_PropertyList Not used. See SMS_EmbeddedPropertyList.
SMS_SCI_SiteAssignment Describes the site assignment rules. The site assignment can be based on IP subnets or IPX addresses.
SMS_SCI_SiteDefinition Contains general information about the site (name, site code, and so on). Do not modify instances of this class.
SMS_SCI_SQLCmd Defines a SQL command to be run periodically directly in the Microsoft® SQL Server™ database.
SMS_SCI_SQLTask Defines an SQL task to be run periodically.
SMS_SCI_SysResUse Defines a specific usage of a server, or other network resource.
SMS_SetupInfo Contains information concerning the physical setup and installation of SMS. For internal use only.
SMS_SII_Property General purpose embedded object that contains a property name and its property value.
SMS_SII_PropertyList General purpose embedded object that contains a property name and its list of property values.
SMS_SIIB_AddressType Describes SMS sender address types for the SMS Administrator console.
SMS_SIIB_Component_FileList Describes installation characteristics for SMS components and services.
SMS_SIIB_Configuration Describes where to find the help files and resource information for various property pages in the SMS Administrator console.
SMS_SIIB_Generic_Configuration Describes configuration data for particular SMS components.
SMS_SIIB_NALProvider Describes the available Network Abstraction Layer (NAL) provider types configured for the site.
SMS_SIIB_SenderType Describes the SMS sender types for the SMS Administrator console.
SMS_SIIB_SysResRole Describes the list of valid system roles that the SMS site system supports. This class is used by the SMS Administrator console.
SMS_SIIB_UINALProvider Describes the list of NAL providers and related help information used by the SMS Administrator console.
SMS_Site Contains identification and status data for an SMS site installation.
SMS_SiteControlDaySchedule Contains usage information for each hour of the day.
SMS_SiteControlFile Represents the site control file (SCF) and contains methods to maintain version control of the SCF. Use classes derived from SMS_SiteControlItem to modify the SCF.
SMS_SiteControlItem Abstract class that is the parent class for all site control items.
SMS_SiteInstallItem Abstract class that is the parent class of all site install item classes.
SMS_SiteInstallItemBase Abstract class from which all specific site install configuration classes are derived.
SMS_SiteInstallMap Represents the site install map, which describes the layout of all installed features.
SMS_SystemResourceList Maps NAL paths, resource types, site codes and role names for system resources located on site systems.
SMS_UINAL_ResourceInfo Embedded object that stores NAL data specific to the SMS Administrator console.