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The SMS_Site WMI class contains identification and status data for an SMS site installation.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_Site : SMS_BaseClass
  uint32 BuildNumber;
  string InstallDir;
  string ReportingSiteCode;
  uint32 RequestedStatus;
  string ServerName;
  string SiteCode;
  string SiteName;
  uint32 Status;
  string TimeZoneInfo;
  uint32 Type;
  string Version;


  • BuildNumber
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    SMS build number.

  • InstallDir
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Directory to which SMS was installed.

  • ReportingSiteCode
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Parent site code. This value may be blank.

  • RequestedStatus
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Request secondary site status.

  • ServerName
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Server name of the site on which SMS is installed.

  • SiteCode
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Site code for the site.

  • SiteName
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Name of the site.

  • Status
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Current status of the site. Values are:
    ACTIVE (1)
    PENDING (2)
    FAILED (3)
    DELETED (4)
    UPGRADE (5)

  • TimeZoneInfo
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Site server time zone represented as a Win32 TIME_ZONE_INFORMATION structure that is returned by the Win32 GetTimeZoneInformation method.

  • Type
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Type of site, either primary or secondary. Values are:
    PRIMARY (2)

  • Version
    Data type: string
    Access type: Read-only

    Complete SMS version of the current site.


The following table lists the method in SMS_Site.

Method Description
VerifyNoLoops Class method that determines if the parent-child relationship for a given site will result in a recursive loop.

See Also

Site Configuration Classes, SMS_Identification