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The SMS_G_System_History WMI class is an abstract class that derives all hardware inventory classes for hardware history. History instances are created from the current hardware component instance when the component changed after the last inventory. The history class represents a collection of prior hardware component states for the client.

Hardware history classes are prefixed with "SMS_GH_System_" followed by the inventoried object name, such as SMS_GH_System_ACCOUNT.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and includes all inherited properties.

Class SMS_G_System_History : SMS_G_System
  uint32 GroupID;
  uint32 ResourceID;
  uint32 RevisionID;
  datetime TimeStamp;


  • GroupID
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    Distinguishes one hardware inventory instance from another within one resource (SMS client). For example, each logical disk instance for a client is assigned a unique GroupID value.

  • ResourceID
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only
    Qualifiers: Key

    SMS-supplied identifier that uniquely identifies a resource (SMS client). Inventory items with the same ResourceID values are all found on the same SMS client. A ResourceID value is not unique outside the site.

  • RevisionID
    Data type: uint32
    Access type: Read-only

    Increments if the object changed after the last time inventory was taken. The highest number is the most recent update. Objects with the same ResourceID and GroupID values are deltas. They differ from one another by RevisionID number.

  • TimeStamp
    Data type: datetime
    Access type: Read-only

    Date and time of the inventory.


Hardware history is deleted on a schedule if the Delete Aged Inventory History database maintenance task is set to TRUE in the console. You can also enable this task and set the schedule by updating the site control file. The site control item is an instance of SMS_SCI_SQLTask and the TaskName value is Delete Aged Inventory History. For an example that updates the site control file, see Managing Site Control Configuration.

See Also

Hardware Inventory Classes, Managing Site Control Configuration, Resource Management Classes, SMS_G_System_Current, SMS_G_System_ExtHistory