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Computer Groups for SMS 2003

The SMS 2003 Management Pack provides the following computer groups:

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Administrator Consoles

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Advanced Clients

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Central Site Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Clients

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Client Access Point Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Component Servers Based on IIS

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Component Servers Based on SMS Executive

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Distribution Point Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Management Point Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Primary Site Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Providers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Reporting Point Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Secondary Site Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Sender Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Server Locator Point Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Site Servers

  • Microsoft SMS 2003 Legacy Clients

See Also


Additional Resources for Microsoft System Management Server 2003 Management Pack
Sites and Components for SMS2003 Management Pack
Computer Groups for SMS 2003
Rule Group for SMS 2003
Providers for SMS 2003
Scripts for SMS 2003
Views for Microsoft SMS 2003
Diagrams for SMS 2003
Reports for SMS 2003