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Get Monitor

Applies To: System Center 2012 - Orchestrator, System Center 2012 R2 Orchestrator, System Center 2012 SP1 - Orchestrator

The Get Monitor activity is used in a runbook to retrieve monitoring activities from System Center Operations Manager that match the criteria that you specify. You can use the Get Monitor activity to retrieve a message and replicate the information to a trouble ticketing system.

For the procedure to configure this object, see: Configuring the Get Monitor Activity.

The following tables list the filters, properties, and published data for this activity. The activity publishes all of the data from the required and optional properties into published data.

Get Monitor Filters

Element Description


The description of the last time that the availability of the monitor was changed


The display name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The full name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The current health state of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The unique ID of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


Indicates whether the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object is in maintenance mode


Indicates whether the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object is available to perform a monitoring operation


The date that the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object was last modified


The time that the monitor maintenance mode was last changed


The name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The path to the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The time that the alert state was last changed

Get Monitor Published Data

Element Description


The description of the last time that the availability of the monitor was changed


The connection string to the System Center Operations Manager server that you are using


The display name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The domain from which the alert came


The full name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The current health state of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The unique ID of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


Indicates whether the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object is in maintenance mode


Indicates whether the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object is available to perform a monitoring operation


Indicates whether the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object is managed


The date that the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object was last modified


The globally unique ID for the least derived non-abstract monitoring class


The time that the monitor maintenance mode was last changed


The Management Group to which the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object belongs


The unique ID of the Management Group


The number of System Center Operations Manager monitoring objects that met the filter criteria


The name of the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The path to the System Center Operations Manager monitoring object


The name of the System Center Operations Manager server


The time that the alert state was last changed


The user name that was used to access the System Center Operations Manager server

Configuring the Get Monitor Activity

To configure the Get Monitor activity

  1. From the Activities pane, drag a Get Monitor activity to the active runbook.

  2. Double-click the Get Monitor activity icon. The Properties dialog opens.

  3. Configure the settings in the Details tab:

    1. In the Server section, click the ellipsis button (...), and select the Operations Manager server Connection that you want to use for this activity. Click OK.

    2. In the Filters section, at least one filter is required to define the activity. Click Add. In the Name box, click the down arrow and select a property from the list.

    3. In the Relation box, click the down arrow and select a filter type.

    4. In the Value box, enter the value you want to use.

      You can also use published data to automatically populate the value of the property from the data output by a previous activity in the runbook.

      To filter on NULL values

      1. In the Filters section, click Add. In the Name box, click the Down Arrow and select a property from the list.

      2. In the Relation box, select Equals.

      3. In the Value box, input the value NULL.

      To filter on IsNotNull values

      1. In the Filters section, click Add. In the Name box, click the Down Arrow and select a property from the list.

      2. In the Relation box, select Does not equal.

      3. In the Value box, input the value NULL.

      To use published data

      1. Right-click the property value box, click Subscribe, and then click Published Data.

      2. Click the Activity drop-down box and select the activity from which you want to obtain the data.

      3. To view additional data elements common across the runbook, select Show Common Published Data.

      4. Click the published data element you want to use, and then click OK.

        For a list of the data elements published by each activity, see the Published Data tables in the activity topic. For information about the Common Published Data items, see Published Data.

    5. Click OK to save the filter settings.

    6. Add additional filters as needed, and then click Finish.


      Filter properties can only be used once in an activity. For example, if your search criteria for a monitor includes a date range, you cannot use the LastModified filter property twice in the same activity. However, you may be able to use the LastModified After Date and StateLastModified Before Date filter properties to achieve the desired results.

  4. To make changes to a filter, click the filter and then click Edit. Make the changes, and then click OK.

    To remove a filter, click the filter and then click Remove.

  5. For information about the settings on the General and Run Behavior tabs, see Common Configuration Instructions for All Activities.

  6. Click Finish.

Other Activities

The Integration Pack for System Center Operations Manager contains the following additional activities: