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CSS Reports task pane

The CSS Reports task pane can display a report that lists either style errors or the type of styles that are in use. You can generate a report that checks only particular web pages or an entire website. For more information about generating a CSS report, see Generate a CSS Errors or Usage report.


You can also generate a Style Sheet Links report, which lists all of the web pages in your website that either import or link to an external cascading style sheet (CSS). For more information, see Site reports.

The CSS Reports task pane contains the following columns when you generate a report of errors.

  • Status shows an icon that represents the type of file that contains the error and the status of the file.

  • Page lists the web page that contains an error and the location of the page.

  • Line lists the number of the line in Code view that contains the error.

  • Style lists the name of the style.

  • Error Summary describes the type of error.

The CSS Reports task pane contains the following columns when you generate a report of style usage.

  • Status shows an icon that represents the type of file that contains the error and the status of the file.

  • Style lists the name of the style.

  • Usage Location lists the file that contains the style reference. Double-click the row, except under the Definition Location column, to open the file.

  • Line lists the number of the line in Code view that contains the error.

  • Definition Location lists the file that contains the style definition. Click the file name in this column to open the file.

CSS Reports task pane buttons

Use this

To do this

CSS Reports buttonCc295368.9e3799c7-f14f-4569-bc95-627534c5ac5d(en-us,Expression.10).gif

Open the CSS Reports dialog box.

Next Result button Cc295368.3e6f6f24-3b67-4499-b547-a6fc02652b46(en-us,Expression.10).gif

Open the web page that contains the next result in the list and highlight the error or reference.

Previous Result button Cc295368.9d396f8b-6211-4576-87e2-bed7b6a6cf6e(en-us,Expression.10).gif

Open the web page that contains the previous result in the list and highlight the error or reference.

Style Sheet Links button Cc295368.b23b7327-f2c6-4890-9acd-b5ed8853b98e(en-us,Expression.10).gif

Display the Style Sheet Links site report.

Column heading

Sort or reverse the list of results.

Down arrow Cc295368.eb5fc42b-8e20-4d8e-964c-c92f43113355(en-us,Expression.10).gif in column heading

Restrict the results to those that fit the criteria you select.

When the results of the report are filtered, the down arrow Cc295368.eb5fc42b-8e20-4d8e-964c-c92f43113355(en-us,Expression.10).gif of the filtering column appears blue Cc295368.bbc3bb78-660d-44d9-adf6-352e5dadb2ee(en-us,Expression.10).gif instead of black.

When you right-click a row, a shortcut menu provides the following additional options:

  • To open the webpage that contains a result and to highlight the error or reference, right-click the row and in the shortcut menu, click Go to Page.

  • To locate one or more files in the Folder List task pane, in the CSS Reports task pane, select the files you want to locate, right-click a selected file, and in the shortcut menu, click Select Resulting Files in Folder List.

  • To clear the entire list of results, right-click any row, and in the shortcut menu, click Clear Results.

  • To copy the results of the report as a table, select the rows you want to copy, right-click a selected row, and in the shortcut menu, click Copy Results.

  • To deselect all filter criteria and set every column's Filter menu to All, right-click any column heading or row and select Remove Filters.

See also


Generate a CSS Errors or Usage report

Cascading style sheet reports overview

Site reports overview