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Generate a CSS Errors or Usage report

The CSS Reports task pane can display a report that lists style errors, the type of styles that are in use, or whether a particular style is used or not by a page. You can generate a report that checks only particular web pages, an entire website, or a particular style. For information about the CSS Reports task pane, see CSS Reports task pane.


You can also generate a Style Sheet Links report, which lists all of the web pages in your website that either import or link to an external cascading style sheet (CSS). For more information, see Site reports.

To generate a report of CSS errors

  1. Do one of the following:

    • To report on an entire website, open the website.

    • To restrict the report to particular pages in a website, either open those pages or select them in either the Folder List task pane or the Web Site view.

    • To report on only one particular style in a Usage report, select the style in either the CSS Properties or the Manage Styles task pane, select the style in a CSS file, or select an element that uses the style.

  2. On the Tools menu, click CSS Reports.

  3. In the CSS Reports dialog box, do one of the following:

    • To generate a report of CSS errors, click the Errors tab.

    • To generate a report of CSS usage, click the Usage tab.

  4. Under Check where, specify which pages the report should check.

  5. Under Check for, do one of the following:

    • If you selected the Errors tab in step 3, select any of the following:

      Use this

      To do this

      Unused Styles

      List class, ID, and element selectors that are defined in a CSS and not used in your web pages.

      Undefined Classes

      List class selectors that are referenced in a web page and aren't defined in a CSS.

      Mismatched Case

      List class and ID selectors that are defined with a case that is different than the case of a reference to that style. For example, if your style sheet defines a class that is named "myclass" and a web page references "MyCLASS", this style will appear in the report.

    • If you selected the Usage tab in step 3, select any of the following:

      Use this

      To do this

      Class Selectors

      List class selectors that are being used, the web pages that are using those styles, and the location of the style definition.

      ID Selectors

      List ID selectors that are being used, the web pages that are using those styles, and the location of the style definition.

      Element Selectors

      List element selectors that are being used, the web pages that are using those styles, and the location of the style definition.

  6. Click Check.

    The CSS Reports task pane opens and the status of the generation of the report appears at the bottom of the task pane.


    To stop the generation of a report, on either the Common or Standard toolbar, click the Stop button Cc295563.796b6328-9dfd-4cd6-9c11-60cb5af439cf(en-us,Expression.10).gif.

See also


CSS Reports task pane

Cascading style sheet reports

Site reports overview