Content or markup follows patterns that may be associated with deceptive practices

These rules identify content or markup that search engines may perceive as using practices designed to artificially inflate the search rankings of a page or a site.

Suspect content overview

Suspect content is content or code that might cause search engines to assess a page as potentially deceptive or as having low-quality markup. This may lead to reduced search-engine ranking or even complete removal of your page from search-engine results pages.

The Microsoft Expression Web SEO Checker evaluates your site using a subset of known search-engine behavior patterns.

Suspect-content problems

The Expression Web SEO Checker detects and reports the following conditions.

The page is too large

Search engines will read only the first 1,000 KB of a page. Any search-relevant text or links after the first 1,000 KB of the contents of the <body> tag will not be indexed by the search engine.

For more information, see WEB1002 - The page is too large.

The <meta http-equiv="refresh"> element is being used for redirection

Using the <meta http-equiv="refresh"> for redirection may reduce your search-engine ranking.

For more information, see WEB1041 - The <meta http-equiv="refresh"> element is being used for redirection.

The title and description for the page are identical

The title should not contain content that is similar to the page description.

For more information, see WEB1045 - The title and description for the page are identical.

The contents of the <meta name="description"> tag are too long

The <meta name="description"> tag should contain fewer than 150 characters.

For more information, see WEB1023 - The <meta name="description"> tag contents are too long.

The contents of the <meta name="keywords"> tag are too long

The <meta name="keywords"> tag should contain fewer than 874 characters.

For more information, see WEB1030 - The <meta name="keywords"> tag contents are too long.

The <meta name="keywords"> tag contains multiple instances of a single term

The <meta name="keywords"> tag should contain no more than one instance of the same term.

For more information, see WEB1035 - The <meta name="keywords"> tag contains multiple instances of a single term.

The 'alt' attribute of the <img> or <area> tag contains too many characters

The contents of an alt attribute should not exceed 150 characters.

For more information, see WEB1019 - The 'alt' attribute of the <img> or <area> tag contains too many characters.

See also


SEO rules
SEO concepts
Content is not where search engines expect to find it
Content or markup interferes with the ability of search engines to analyze a page
Content or markup reduces the appeal of a page in search-engine results
Content causes search engines to consider two or more pages to be relevant to the same search term
Content or markup blocks search engines from analyzing your site

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