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IPathLayoutItem Members

Represents an element that is arranged by a PathPanel.

The following tables list the members exposed by the IPathLayoutItem type.

Public Properties

  Name Description
public property GlobalIndex Gets the index of the item in a collection of items.
public property GlobalOffset Gets the offset of the item proportional to the total length of a collection of paths.
public property IsArranged Gets or sets whether or not the item is arranged on the path.
public property LayoutPathIndex Gets the index of the path on which the item is arranged.
public property LocalIndex Gets the index of the item on the path on which it is arranged.
public property LocalOffset Gets the offset of the item proportional to the length of the path on which it is arranged.
public property NormalAngle Gets the angle perpendicular to the path at the item's location.
public property OrientationAngle Gets the angle perpendicular to the path at the items's location if the item is oriented to the path.


Public Methods

  Name Description
public method Update Updates the IPathLayoutItem properties based on the given PathLayoutData and raises the PathLayoutUpdated event.


Public Events

  Name Description
public event PathLayoutUpdated Occurs when one or more of the IPathLayoutItem properties change.


See Also


IPathLayoutItem Interface
Microsoft.Expression.Controls Namespace