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SolverQuality Enumeration

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

Defines the result of a solver.

Namespace:  Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services
Assembly:  Microsoft.Solver.Foundation (in Microsoft.Solver.Foundation.dll)


Public Enumeration SolverQuality
public enum SolverQuality
public enum class SolverQuality
type SolverQuality
public enum SolverQuality


Member name Description
Optimal Indicates that the result is optimal.
Feasible Indicates that the model is feasible, but the result is not proven to be optimal.
Infeasible Indicates that the model is infeasible.
Unbounded Indicates that the model is feasible, but that there is no optimal solution because the optimal goal value is infinite.
InfeasibleOrUnbounded Indicates that the model is proven not to have an optimal solution, but that the solver cannot determine whether the model is feasible.
Unknown Indicates that the solver cannot find a solution or cannot prove that the model is infeasible. The solver has been interrupted, or the solver cannot prove that the model has no solution.
LocalOptimal Indicates that the solver found a solution that is locally optimal, but the solution may not be globally optimal.
LocalInfeasible Indicates that the solver found a solution that is locally infeasible, but it cannot determine if the model is globally infeasible.

See Also


Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services Namespace