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Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services Namespace

[This documentation is for preview only, and is subject to change in later releases. Blank topics are included as placeholders.]

The Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Services namespace contains classes and interfaces that you can implement to integrate solvers into your application or implement a solver.


  Class Description
Public class BindingUtilities Provides helper methods to support data binding for Parameter and Decision objects.
Public class BinomialDistributionParameter A parameter with binomial distribution.
Public class CompactQuasiNewtonDirective Represents a directive for the compact quasi-Newton (CQN) solver.
Public class CompactQuasiNewtonProperties Defines properties that can be retrieved by compact quasi-Newton (CQN) solver events.
Public class CompactQuasiNewtonReport Defines a report for the CompactQuasiNewtonSolver.
Public class Constraint Encapsulates a term and its role as a constraint in the model.
Public class ConstraintProgrammingDirective A directive for the constraint satisfaction programming (CSP) solver.
Public class ConstraintProgrammingReport Defines a report for a constraint programming problem.
Public class CspSolutionMapping Defines the mapping between a model and a ConstraintSystem object.
Public class DataBindingEventArgs Provides data for a data binding event.
Public class Decision A group of decisions for which a solver finds values.
Public class DecisionBinding Notifies the solver context about changes in the data for the decision.
Public class Directive An instruction to the Solver Foundation Services (SFS) layer or the solver.
Public class DiscreteUniformDistributionParameter A random parameter with a discrete uniform distribution.
Public class Domain The set of possible values for a decision or parameter.
Public class ExponentialDistributionParameter A random parameter with exponential distribution.
Public class GenericReport Defines a generic report for any solver.
Public class GeometricDistributionParameter A random parameter with geometric distribution.
Public class Goal Defines a term and its role in the model.
Public class HybridLocalSearchDirective Represents a directive for the hybrid local search solver.
Public class HybridLocalSearchReport Contains information about the current solution for models solved by the hybrid local search solver.
Public class InteriorPointMethodDirective Defines a directive to provide guidance for the interior point method solver.
Public class InteriorPointProperties Defines properties that the interior point solver can retrieve by using events.
Public class InteriorPointReport Defines a report for an interior point programming problem.
Public class LinearModel Represents a linear model with rows and variables.
Public class LinearReport Defines a report for a linear model.
Public class LinearSolutionMapping Defines the mapping between a Solver Foundation Services (SFS) model and an ILinearModel.
Public class LogNormalDistributionParameter Represents a log normal distribution parameter.
Public class MixedIntegerProgrammingDirective Represents a directive to provide guidance for the mixed integer programming (MIP) solver.
Public class Model Defines a model that has expressions and constraints.
Public class ModelReport Defines the validity of a model and reports any errors that are found.
Public class MpsParser Parses tokens in the MPS format.
Public class MpsWriter Generates an MPS file.
Public class NelderMeadDirective Represents a directive for the NelderMeadSolver.
Public class NelderMeadProperties Properties that can be retrieved by events raised by the NelderMeadSolver.
Public class NelderMeadReport Contains information about the current solution for models solved by the NelderMeadSolver.
Public class NonlinearModel Represents a nonlinear optimization model that contains rows, variables. goals, and callback functions that define the values and possible gradients of the rows.
Protected class NonlinearModel.SparseMatrix Represents a sparse matrix by rows.
Public class NormalDistributionParameter Represents a normal distribution parameter.
Public class Parameter Represents a group of terms that binds to data.
Public class PluginSolutionMapping Defines the base class for solution mappings for linear, nonlinear, and term solvers.
Public class RandomParameter Represents a group of terms that take stochastic values.
Public class RecourseDecision Represents a group of decisions that are made in response to the output of a random parameter.
Public class Report Contains information about the current solution.
Public class RowVariableGoalModel Represents an optimization model that consists of decision variables, rows, and goals.
Public class RowVariableModel Represents a basic optimization model that consists of decision variables and rows.
Public class RowVariableReport Defines a report for linear, nonlinear, and term-based models.
Public class SamplingParameters Represents a parameter for random sampling.
Public class ScenariosParameter Represents a parameter for a fixed, finite number of discrete scenarios.
Public class SecondOrderCone Defines information for a second order cone.
Public class SecondOrderConicModel Defines a second order conic optimization problem.
Public class Set Defines a set of values in a domain.
Public class SimplexDirective Represents a directive for the simplex solver.
Public class SimplexProperties Defines properties that can be retrieved by simplex solver events.
Public class SimplexReport Defines a report for a simplex solver.
Public class Solution Defines the result of solving a model.
Public class SolutionMapping Defines the mapping between a model and a ConstraintSystem object.
Public class SolverContext Provides services to solvers.
Public class SolverProperties Defines properties that can be retrieved by events.
Public class SolverRegistration Represents the information about a registered solver.
Public class SolverRegistrationCollection Represents the plug-in solver registration information.
Public class SolvingEventArgs Provides data for a solving event.
Public class StochasticDirective Represents a directive for stochastic solutions.
Public class StochasticSolution Stores information for a stochastic solution.
Public class SubmodelInstance Defines a composite decision.
Public class SumTermBuilder Creates a term from a list of operand terms that can be used in goals or constraints.
Public class Term Defines any decision, formula, goal, or constraint in a model.
Public class TermModel Encapsulates a nonlinear optimization model that consists of variables, rows, and goals.
Public class Tuples Represents a list of constant value tuples.
Public class UniformDistributionParameter Represents a parameter for a continuous uniform random distribution.
Public class ValueFeasibilityKnownEventArgs Contains event data.
Public class ValuesByIndex Provides access to solver values by using INonlinearModel indexes.


  Structure Description
Public structure LinearEntry Represents a <key, index, value> triplet that indicates the row of a coefficient and the value of the coefficient.
Public structure LinearSolverSensitivityRange Defines a range for a sensitivity report.
Public structure QuadraticEntry Represents a <key1, index1, key2, index2, value> quintet.
Public structure Scenario Represents a probability/value pair.


  Interface Description
Public interface IGoal Defines a goal variable.
Public interface IGoalModel Encapsulates an optimization model that has goals.
Public interface ILinearGoal Provides the properties for a linear goal variable.
Public interface ILinearModel Encapsulates a linear optimization model that consists of decision variables, constraints, and goals.
Public interface ILinearSimplexStatistics Provides statistical information specific to an attempt by the simplex solver to solve a linear model.
Public interface ILinearSolution Encapsulates the results and status after an attempt to solve an ILinearModel object.
Public interface ILinearSolver Defines a solver for a linear programming problem.
Public interface ILinearSolverInfeasibilityReport Defines a report for infeasible results.
Public interface ILinearSolverReport Defines a generic report for a linear solver.
Public interface ILinearSolverSensitivityReport Defines a report for sensitivity analysis.
Public interface INonlinearModel Encapsulates a non-linear optimization model that consists of variables, rows, goals, and a function value callback that defines the values and possible gradients of the rows.
Public interface INonlinearSolution Encapsulates the results and status after an attempt to solve an IRowVariableSolver object.
Public interface INonlinearSolver Defines a solver for nonlinear programming models that correspond to INonlinearModel.
Public interface IReportProvider Defines solvers that can provide a report.
Public interface IRowVariableModel Defines a basic optimization model that consists of decision variables and rows.
Public interface IRowVariableSolver Represents a solver for optimization models that have goals.
Public interface ISecondOrderCone Defines information for a second order cone.
Public interface ISecondOrderConicModel Defines a second order conic optimization problem.
Public interface ISolver Defines solvers that are supported by Microsoft Solver Foundation.
Public interface ISolverEnvironment Defines the solver environment.
Public interface ISolverEvents Defines callback functions that are called periodically during the solve process.
Public interface ISolverParameters Defines the parameters for a solver.
Public interface ISolverProperties Defines a property bag for an event handler that can be used by a solver.
Public interface ISolverSolution Defines a solution for a specific solver.
Public interface ITermModel Encapsulates a nonlinear optimization model that consists of variables, rows, and goals.
Public interface ITermSolver Defines a solver for non-linear programming models that correspond to ITermModel.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration Arithmetic Defines an arithmetic method for numeric solving.
Public enumeration ConstraintProgrammingAlgorithm Defines the algorithm to use for constraint satisfaction programming.
Public enumeration DecompositionType Defines the type of decomposition to use during the solve process.
Public enumeration DerivativeCapability Specifies whether derivative capabilities are required or supported.
Public enumeration FileFormat Defines a format that models can be loaded from or saved to.
Public enumeration GoalKind Defines the direction of the goal.
Public enumeration InteriorPointMethodAlgorithm Defines the types of interior point method algorithms.
Public enumeration InteriorPointSymbolicOrdering Specifies the manner in which the solver performs symbolic factorizations of matrices.
Public enumeration LinearResult Defines the results of solving a linear model.
Public enumeration LinearSolutionQuality Defines the quality of a solution.
Public enumeration LinearSolverReportType Defines the type of report for a linear solver.
Public enumeration LinearValueState Defines the status of a row or variable value.
Public enumeration LocalSearchMoveSelection Defines a heuristic to use for move selection in constraint satisfaction programming.
Public enumeration NonlinearCapabilities Defines the capabilities for nonlinear solvers.
Public enumeration NonlinearResult Specifies the results of solving a nonlinear model.
Public enumeration ReportVerbosity Defines options for specifying the amount of information to include in a report.
Public enumeration SamplingMethod Defines a sampling method.
Public enumeration SecondOrderConeRowType Defines the types of rows for a second order cone.
Public enumeration SecondOrderConeType Defines the type for a second order cone.
Public enumeration SimplexAlgorithm Defines the type of simplex algorithm to use.
Public enumeration SimplexBasis Specifies the basis to use for simplex solving.
Public enumeration SimplexPricing Defines the pricing strategy to use for simplex solving.
Public enumeration SolverCapability Specifies the capabilities of third-party solvers.
Public enumeration SolverQuality Defines the result of a solver.
Public enumeration SpecialOrderedSetType Defines the types of special ordered sets.
Public enumeration TermModelOperation Represents an operation.
Public enumeration TreeSearchValueSelection Defines a heuristic for value selection in constraint satisfaction programming (CSP).
Public enumeration TreeSearchVariableSelection Defines a heuristic for variable selection in constraint satisfaction programming (CSP).