FontDialog Component (Windows Forms)
The Windows Forms FontDialog component is a pre-configured dialog box. It is the same Font dialog box exposed by the Windows operating system. The component inherits from the CommonDialog class.
In This Section
FontDialog Component Overview (Windows Forms)
Introduces the general concepts of the FontDialog component, which you use to display a pre-configured dialog box. Users can use the dialog box to manipulate fonts and their settings.How to: Show a Font List with the FontDialog Component
Explains how to choose a font at run time through an instance of the FontDialog component.
- FontDialog
Provides reference information about the FontDialog class and its members.
Related Sections
Dialog-Box Controls and Components (Windows Forms)
Describes a set of controls and components that enable users to perform standard interactions with the application or system.Controls to Use on Windows Forms
Provides a complete list of Windows Forms controls, with links to information about their use.