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Configure the Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova

In Visual Studio 2013, the Cordova tools are released as a preview (CTP) version. Cordova tools will be released as part of Visual Studio 2015 and we recommend that you now use Visual Studio 2015 RC to develop apps using Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova. You can download Visual Studio from the Microsoft Download Center.

Once you have installed the tools, refer to this topic for additional ways to quickly configure, update, or customize the tools for your environment.

  • If you choose not to install one or more dependencies with Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova, you may need to install the dependencies manually.

  • If you need to verify the path for a third-party dependency or if you have multiple versions of a dependency installed, see Override system environment variables.

  • If you are running Visual Studio behind a proxy, see Configure tools to work with a proxy.

  • To install, start, and configure the vs-mda-remote agent for building iOS apps, see the following:

  • If you see unexpected errors when trying to build the Blank App template, see Re-install vs-tac.

Install dependencies manually

If you choose not to install one or more dependencies with the extension, you can install them later manually.

You can install the dependencies in any order, except for Java. You must install and configure Java before you install the Android SDK.


64-bit Java is not supported. 32-bit Java must be installed.

Read the following information and use these links to install dependencies manually.

  • Joyent Node.js

    We recommend installing the x86 version of Node.js.

  • Google Chrome

  • Git Command Line Tools

    When you install Git command line tools, select the option that adds Git to your command prompt path.


    Git command line tools 1.9.5 are installed by default. Unexpected failures may occur if you install a version prior to 1.9.0.

  • Apache Ant

    • Download and extract Ant to a location like C:/ant-1.x.x

    • Set the ANT_HOME environment variable to point to the preceding location.

    • Add %ANT_HOME%\bin to the system path.


      If you need to set this environment variable manually, see Override system environment variables.

  • 32-bit Oracle Java 7

    • Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.7.0_55

    • Add this to the system path: %JAVA_HOME%\bin


      If you need to set this environment variable manually, see Override system environment variables.

  • Android SDK with the following SDK packages:

    • Android SDK Tools (latest version)

    • Android SDK Platform-tools (latest version)

    • Android SDK Build-tools (19.1, 19.0.3, and 21)

    • Android 4.4.x (API level 21) with the following packages:

      • SDK Platform

      • ARM EABI v7a System Image

      • Intel x86 Atom System Image

      • Google APIs (x86 System Image)

      • Google APIs (ARM System Image)

    The following illustration shows the minimum required packages in the Android SDK Manager.

    Required packages for the Android SDK

    Set the ADT_HOME environment variable to the SDK installation location.

    Add this to the system path: %ADT_HOME%\tools;%ADT_HOME%\platform-tools

    If you need to set this environment variable manually, see Override system environment variables.


    If you install the Android SDK to its default location on Windows, it gets installed to C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk.

  • Apple iTunes (x86, x64)

  • WebSocket4Net (required if you’re developing your app on Windows 7)

    1. Download WebSocket4Net(0.9) from CodePlex.

    2. Unzip the binaries and then unblock net45\Release\WebSocket4Net.dll

      To unblock the DLL, open the file Properties for the DLL and choose Unblock in the General tab (at the bottom of the dialog box).

    3. After you unblock the DLL, copy net45\Release\WebSocket4Net.dll into the %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\WebClient\Diagnostics\ToolWindows folder on your computer.


      If you are using Visual Studio 2013, the Visual Studio folder is \Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0.

Override system environment variables

Visual Studio detects the configurations for the third-party software you’ve installed, and maintains the installation paths in the following environment variables:

  • ADT_HOME points to the Android installation path.

  • ANT_HOME points to the Ant folder on your computer.

  • GIT_HOME points to the Git installation path.

  • JAVA_HOME points to the Java installation path.

Visual Studio uses these environment variables when building and running your app. You can view the environment variables and revise their values through the Visual Studio Options dialog box. You might want to override the default settings for one of the following reasons:

  • Visual Studio was unable to verify the path. In this case, a warning is displayed next to the environment variable.

  • You have multiple versions of the software installed, and you’d like to use a specific version.

  • You want your global environment path to be different from the local Visual Studio environment.

To override the variables

  1. On the Visual Studio menu bar, choose Tools, Options.

  2. In the Options dialog box, choose Tools for Apache Cordova, and then choose Environment Variable Overrides.

  3. Make your changes:

    • To override a value, select its check box, and then revise the value.

      If the path information is invalid or missing, Visual Studio displays a warning next to that variable.

    • To reset an environment variable to its default value, clear its check box or choose Reset to Default.

  4. Choose OK to save your changes and close the dialog box.

Environment variables, warning message

Generate a new security PIN (iOS remote agent)

When you start the agent the first time, the generated PIN is valid for a limited amount of time (10 minutes by default). If you don't connect to the agent before the time expires, you will need to generate a new PIN.

To generate a new security PIN

  1. Stop the agent (or open a second Terminal app window on your Mac and use that to enter the command).

  2. From the Terminal app on your Mac, type:

    vs-mda-remote generateClientCert
  3. Follow instructions to start the agent on your Mac and configure the agent in Visual Studio.

Generate a new server certificate (iOS remote agent)

For security purposes, the server certificates that pair Visual Studio with the remote agent are tied to your Mac’s IP or host name. If these values have changed, you will need to generate a new server certificate, and then reconfigure Visual Studio with the new values.

To generate a new server certificate

  1. Stop the agent.

  2. From the Terminal app on your Mac, type:

    vs-mda-remote resetServerCert
  3. When prompted, type "Y" and then type Enter.

  4. From the Terminal app on your Mac, type:

    vs-mda-remote generateClientCert
  5. Follow instructions to start the agent on your Mac and configure the agent in Visual Studio.

Configure the iOS remote agent

You can configure the remote agent using various command line options. For example, you can specify the port to listen for build requests and specify the maximum number of builds to maintain on the file system. (By default, the limit is 10. The agent will remove builds that exceed the maximum on shutdown.)


Some of the options have changed since version 0.2 of vs-mda-remote. The most important change is that the --buildDir option has been renamed to --serverDir.

To configure the remote agent

  • To see a complete list of agent commands, type:

    vs-mda-remote --help
  • To disable secure mode and enable simple HTTP based connections, type:

    vs-mda-remote --secure false

    When you use this option, leave the PIN field blank when configuring the agent in Visual Studio.

  • To specify a location for remote agent files, type:

    vs-mda-remote --serverDir <directory>

    where <directory> is a location on your Mac where log files, builds, and server certificates will be placed. For example, the location could be /Users/username/builds. (Builds will be organized by build number in this location.)

  • To use a background process to capture stdout and stderr to a file (server.log), type:

    vs-mda-remote > server.log 2>&1 &

    The server.log file might assist in troubleshooting build issues.

  • To run the agent by using a configuration file instead of command-line parameters, type:

    vs-mda-remote --config <path-to-config-file>

    The configuration file must be in JSON format. The startup options and their values must not include dashes. To see an example configuration file, look at the vs-mda-remote/examples/exampleConfig.json folder in the remote agent installation directory. For example, the path might be /usr/local/lib/node_modules/vs-mda-remote/examples/exampleConfig.json.

Verify the iOS remote agent configuration

Once you have installed the agent, you can verify the remote agent configuration.

To verify the remote agent configuration

  • With the remote agent running, open a second Terminal app window (choose Shell, New Window).

  • From the second Terminal app window on your Mac, type:

    vs-mda-remote test


    This command will fail if the agent is not running in a second window.

    This command initiates a test build. The output from the command should show the build number and other information about the build, such as its progress.

    After you start a test build, verify the build.

  • If you started the server on a port other than 3000, use the following command instead to initiate a test build:

    vs-mda-remote test –-server https://localhost:<portNumber>
  • To verify that your developer signing identity is set up correctly for device builds (using the Debug and Release configurations in Visual Studio), type:

    vs-mda-remote test --device
  • To verify that your distribution signing identity is set up correctly for device builds (using the Distribution configuration in Visual Studio), type:

    vs-mda-remote test --device --cfg distribution

    For more information about app provisioning and certificate signing identities, see Package Your App Built with Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova.

Reinstall vs-tac

If you see unexpected errors when trying to build the Blank App template after installing Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova, you can try clearing your cache and reinstalling the Cordova CLI pre-processor, vs-tac, on your PC. Typically, this is only necessary if you try to build a Cordova app and see the error Cannot find module [modulename].

To clear the cache

  1. Choose Tools, Options, Tools for Apache Cordova, and then choose Cordova Tools.

  2. Choose Clear Cordova Cache.

  3. Close and re-open your project.

  4. Choose Build, Clean Solution, and then rebuild your project.


    If you have no errors, you do not need to re-install vs-mda. If you still have the same error, then re-install vs-tac.

To re-install vs-mda

  1. Close Visual Studio.

  2. Open a command line and type the following command:

    npm install -g <path-to-vs-tac>

    For example, the path to vs-tac might be C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\vs-tac].

  3. Re-open Visual Studio.

  4. Open your project, choose Build, Clean Solution, and then rebuild your project.

    If this does not resolve the issue, see the Known Issues and the FAQ.

Configure tools to work with a proxy

If you are using Visual Studio behind a proxy, such as a corporate firewall, you may need to configure proxy settings for the npm package manager and for git before you can use Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova.

To configure proxy settings for npm package manager

  1. Close Visual Studio

  2. Open a Visual Studio developer command window (Ctrl + Alt + A) and type the following command.

    npm -g uninstall vs-tac
  3. Open %AppData%\npm\node_modules and verify that the vs-tac folder has been removed.

  4. In the Visual Studio developer command window, type the following command.

    npm config set proxy <proxy-port>

    where proxy-port is the proxy address and port number, such as

  5. Then type this command:

    npm config set https-proxy <proxy-port>

    where proxy-port might be a value such as

  6. Open Visual Studio.

  7. Open your Apache Cordova solution and rebuild your project.

To configure proxy settings for git

  1. Close Visual Studio.

  2. Open a Visual Studio developer command window (Ctrl + Alt + A) and type the following command.

    git config --global http.proxy http://<username>:<password>@<proxy-port>

    where username and password are your proxy username and password; proxy-port might be a value such as

  3. Type this command:

    git config --global https.proxy http://<username>:<password>@<proxy-port>

    where username and password are your proxy username and password; proxy-port might be a value such as

  4. Open Visual Studio.

  5. Open your Apache Cordova solution and rebuild your project.

Download the toolsGet the Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova or learn more

See Also


Install Visual Studio Tools for Apache Cordova

Run Your Apache Cordova App on iOS