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21.2 The Class java.util.BitSet

'T is an old maxim in the schools,
That flattery's the food of fools;
Yet now and then your men of wit
Will condescend to take a bit.

—Jonathan Swift, Cadenus and Vanessa

A BitSet object is a set of bits that grows as needed. The bits of a BitSet are indexed by nonnegative integers. Each bit can be individually examined, set, or cleared. One BitSet may be used to modify the contents of another BitSet through logical AND, logical inclusive OR, and logical exclusive OR operations.

public final class BitSet implements Cloneable {
 public BitSet();
 public BitSet(int nbits);
 public String toString();
 public boolean equals(Object obj)  
 public int hashCode();
 public Object clone();
 public boolean get(int bitIndex);
 public void set(int bitIndex);
 public void clear(int bitIndex);
 public void and(BitSet set);
 public void or(BitSet set);
 public void xor(BitSet set);
 public int size();

21.2.1 public BitSet()

This constructor initializes a newly created BitSet so that all bits are clear.

21.2.2 public BitSet(int nbits)

This constructor initializes a newly created BitSet so that all bits are clear. Enough space is reserved to explicitly represent bits with indices in the range 0 through nbits-1.

21.2.3 public String toString()

For every index for which this BitSet contains a bit in the set state, the decimal representation of that index is included in the result. Such indices are listed in order from lowest to highest, separated by ", " (a comma and a space) and surrounded by braces, resulting in the usual mathematical notation for a set of integers.

Overrides the toString method of Object(§20.1.2).


BitSet drPepper = new BitSet();

Now drPepper.toString() returns "{}".


Now drPepper.toString() returns "{2}".


Now drPepper.toString() returns "{2, 4, 10}".

21.2.4 public boolean equals(Object obj)

The result is true if and only if the argument is not null and is a BitSet object such that, for every nonnegative int index k:

((BitSet)obj).get(k) == this.get(k)

Overrides the equals method of Object(§20.1.3).

21.2.5 public int hashCode()

The hash code depends only on which bits have been set within this BitSet. The algorithm used to compute it may be described as follows.

Suppose the bits in the BitSet were to be stored in an array of long integers called, say, bits, in such a manner that bit k is set in the BitSet (for nonnegative values of k) if and only if the expression:

((k>>6) < bits.length) &&
                ((bits[k>>6] & (1L << (bit & 0x3F))) != 0)

is true. Then the following definition of the hashCode method would be a correct implementation of the actual algorithm:

public synchronized int hashCode() {
    long h = 1234;
    for (int i = bits.length; --i >= 0; ) {
        h ^= bits[i] * (i + 1);
    return (int)((h >> 32) ^ h);

Note that the hash code value changes if the set of bits is altered.

Overrides the hashCode method of Object(§20.1.4).

21.2.6 public Object clone()

Cloning this BitSet produces a new BitSet that is equal to it.

Overrides the clone method of Object(§20.1.5).

21.2.7 public boolean get(int bit)

The result is true if the bit with index bit is currently set in this BitSet; otherwise, the result is false.

If bit is negative, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.

21.2.8 public void set(int bit)

The bit with index bit in this BitSet is changed to the "set" (true) state.

If bit is negative, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.

If bit is not smaller than the value that would be returned by the size method (§21.2.13), then the size of this BitSet is increased to be larger than bit.

21.2.9 public void clear(int bit)

The bit with index bit in this BitSet is changed to the "clear" (false) state.

If bit is negative, an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.

If bit is not smaller than the value that would be returned by the size method (§21.2.13), then the size of this BitSet is increased to be larger than bit.

21.2.10 public void and(BitSet set)

This BitSet may be modified by clearing some of its bits. For every nonnegative int index k, bit k of this BitSet is cleared if bit k of set is clear.

21.2.11 public void or(BitSet set)

This BitSet may be modified by setting some of its bits. For every nonnegative int index k, bit k of this BitSet is set if bit k of set is set.

21.2.12 public void xor(BitSet set)

This BitSet may be modified by inverting some of its bits. For every nonnegative int index k, bit k of this BitSet is inverted if bit k of set is set.

21.2.13 public int size()

This method returns the number of bits of space actually in use by this BitSet to represent bit values.

*At Mooneen he had leaped a place
So perilous that half the astonished meet
Had shut their eyes, and where was it
He rode a race without a bit?
*—William Butler Yeats, In Memory of Major Robert Gregory (1919)