Frame-Window Styles
FWS_ADDTOTITLE Specifies information to append to the end of a frame window title. For example, "Microsoft Draw - Drawing in Document1". You can specify the strings displayed in the Advanced Options dialog box in AppWizard. If you need to turn this option off, override the CWnd::PreCreateWindow member function.
FWS_PREFIXTITLE Shows the document name before the application name in a frame window title. For example, "Document - WordPad". You can specify the strings displayed in the Advanced Options dialog box in AppWizard. If you need to turn this option off, override the CWnd::PreCreateWindow member function.
FWS_SNAPTOBARS Controls sizing of the frame window that encloses a control bar when it is in a floating window rather than docked to a frame window. This style sizes the window to fit the control bar.