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Return Value

A pointer to the frame-window menu replaced by this message. The pointer may be temporary and should not be stored for later use.



Specifies the menu of the new frame-window menu. If NULL, the menu is not changed.


Specifies the menu of the new Window pop-up menu. If NULL, the menu is not changed.


Call this member function to replace the menu of an MDI frame window, the Window pop-up menu, or both.

After calling MDISetMenu, an application must call the DrawMenuBar member function of CWnd to update the menu bar.

If this call replaces the Window pop-up menu, MDI child-window menu items are removed from the previous Window menu and added to the new Window pop-up menu.

If an MDI child window is maximized and this call replaces the MDI frame-window menu, the Control menu and restore controls are removed from the previous frame-window menu and added to the new menu.

Do not call this member function if you use the framework to manage your MDI child windows.


// CMdiView::OnReplaceMenu() is a menu command handler for CMdiView
// class, which in turn is a CView-derived class. It loads a new
// menu resource and replaces the main application window's menu
// bar with this new menu.
void CMdiView::OnReplaceMenu()
   // Load a new menu resource named IDR_SHORT_MENU. m_DefaultMenu is
   // a member variable of CMdiDoc class (a CDocument-derived class).
   // Its type is HMENU.
   CMdiDoc* pdoc = GetDocument();
   pdoc->m_DefaultMenu =
      ::LoadMenu(AfxGetResourceHandle(), MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_SHORT_MENU));
   if (pdoc->m_DefaultMenu == NULL)

   // Get the parent window of this view window. The parent window is
   // a CMDIChildWnd-derived class. We can then obtain the MDI parent
   // frame window using the CMDIChildWnd*. Then, replace the current
   // menu bar with the new loaded menu resource.
   CMDIFrameWnd* frame = ((CMDIChildWnd *) GetParent())->GetMDIFrame();
   frame->MDISetMenu(CMenu::FromHandle(pdoc->m_DefaultMenu), NULL);

// GetDefaultMenu() is an undocumented virtual function for
// CDocument class. It allows the document to determine which
// menu to display. m_DefaultMenu is of type HMENU. Its value
// is initialized to NULL either in the constructor or
// CDocument::OnNewDocument(). And the menu resource is destroyed
// in the destructor to avoid having too many menus loaded at once.
HMENU CMdiDoc::GetDefaultMenu()  // get menu depending on state
   if (m_DefaultMenu)
      return m_DefaultMenu;

   return COleServerDoc::GetDefaultMenu();

// Initialize member variable(s) in the constructor. CMdiDoc is
// a CDocument-derived class.
   // Use OLE compound files

   m_DefaultMenu = NULL; // initialize to NULL

// Destroy menu resource in CMdiDoc's destructor. CMdiDoc is
// a CDocument-derived class.
   if (m_DefaultMenu)

CMDIFrameWnd OverviewClass MembersHierarchy Chart

See Also   CWnd::DrawMenuBar,