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CMDIFrameWnd Class Members


CMDIFrameWnd Constructs a CMDIFrameWnd.


MDIActivate Activates a different MDI child window.
MDIGetActive Retrieves the currently active MDI child window, along with a flag indicating whether or not the child is maximized.
MDIIconArrange Arranges all minimized document child windows.
MDIMaximize Maximizes an MDI child window.
MDINext Activates the child window immediately behind the currently active child window and places the currently active child window behind all other child windows.
MDIRestore Restores an MDI child window from maximized or minimized size.
MDISetMenu Replaces the menu of an MDI frame window, the Window pop-up menu, or both.
MDITile Arranges all child windows in a tiled format.
MDICascade Arranges all child windows in a cascaded format.


CreateClient Creates a Windows MDICLIENT window for this CMDIFrameWnd. Called by the OnCreate member function of CWnd.
GetWindowMenuPopup Returns the Window pop-up menu.

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