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IBDA_AutoDemodulateEx interface (bdaiface.h)

[The feature associated with this page, Microsoft TV Technologies, is a legacy feature. Microsoft strongly recommends that new code does not use this feature.]

The IBDA_AutoDemodulateEx interface extends IBDA_AutoDemodulate. If a BDA device filter, specifically a demodulator, exposes this interface, it indicates that the filter can automatically detect signal characteristics. With this information, the Network Provider can be more efficient in managing the tuning process. For more information, see KSPROPSETID_BdaAutodemodulate in the Windows DDK.

OCUR Devices: This interface supports OpenCable Unidirectional Cable Receiver (OCUR) devices. See OCUR Devices.


The IBDA_AutoDemodulateEx interface inherits from IBDA_AutoDemodulate. IBDA_AutoDemodulateEx also has these types of members:


The IBDA_AutoDemodulateEx interface has these methods.


The get_AuxInputCount method retrieves a count of the number of auxiliary inputs on the demodulator.

The get_SupportedDeviceNodeTypes method retrieves a list of the device node types that the demodulator supports.

The get_SupportedVideoFormats method retrieves the video formats that are supported by the demodulator.


To declare the interface identifier (IID) for this interface, use the __uuidof operator: __uuidof(IBDA_AutoDemodulateEx).


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows�Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server None supported
Target Platform Windows
Header bdaiface.h

See also

BDA Interfaces
