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ISchedulerJob::MinimumNumberOfSockets property

Retrieves or sets the minimum number of sockets that the job requires to run.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT put_MinimumNumberOfSockets(
  [in]  long minSockets

HRESULT get_MinimumNumberOfSockets(
  [out] long *pMinSockets

Property value

The minimum number of sockets.

Error codes

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the return value is an error code. To get a description of the error, access the ISchedulerJob::ErrorMessage property.


Set this property if the ISchedulerJob::UnitType job property is JobUnitType_Socket.

If you set this property, you must set the ISchedulerJob::AutoCalculateMin property to VARIANT_FALSE; otherwise, the minimum number of sockets that you specified will be ignored.

The Default job template sets the default value to 1.

This property tells the scheduler that the job requires at least n sockets to run (the scheduler will not allocate less than this number of sockets for the job).

The job can run when its minimum resource requirements are met. The scheduler may allocate up to the maximum specified resource limit for the job. The scheduler will allocate more resources to the job or release resources if the ISchedulerJob::CanGrow or ISchedulerJob::CanShrink properties are set to VARIANT_TRUE; otherwise, the job uses the initial allocation for its lifetime.

The value cannot exceed the value of the ISchedulerJob::MaximumNumberOfSockets property.



HPC Pack 2008 R2 Client Utilities, HPC Pack 2008 Client Utilities

Type library


See also



