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ISchedulerJob::UnitType property

Determines whether cores, nodes, or sockets are used to allocate resources for the job.

This property is read/write.


HRESULT put_UnitType(
  [in]  JobUnitType type

HRESULT get_UnitType(
  [out] JobUnitType *pType

Property value

The unit type. For possible values, see the JobUnitType enumeration.

Error codes

If the method succeeds, the return value is S_OK. Otherwise, the return value is an error code. To get a description of the error, access the ISchedulerJob::ErrorMessage property.


The Default job template sets the default value to JobUnitType_Core.

The resource units that you specify should be based on the threading model that the service uses. Specify Core if the service is linked to non-thread safe libraries. Specify Node if the service is multithreaded. Specify Socket if the service is single-threaded and memory-bus intensive.

If the unit type is JobUnitType_Core, use the ISchedulerJob::MaximumNumberOfCores and ISchedulerJob::MinimumNumberOfCores properties to specify the required hardware for the job.

If the unit type is JobUnitType_Socket, use the ISchedulerJob::MaximumNumberOfSockets and ISchedulerJob::MinimumNumberOfSockets properties to specify the required hardware for the job.

If the unit type is JobUnitType_Node, use the ISchedulerJob::MaximumNumberOfNodes and ISchedulerJob::MinimumNumberOfNodes properties to specify the required hardware for the job.

The maximum and minimum values are used unless the ISchedulerJob::AutoCalculateMax and ISchedulerJob::AutoCalculateMin properties are set to VARIANT_TRUE, respectively.



HPC Pack 2008 R2 Client Utilities, HPC Pack 2008 Client Utilities

Type library


See also
