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ISpThreadTask::InitThread (SAPI 5.4)

Microsoft Speech API 5.4


ISpThreadTask::InitThread is called on the allocated thread. If the method returns an error, the ISpThreadControl::StartThread method will fail.

This method is called on the newly allocated thread when ISpThreadControl::StartThread is called.

   void   *pvTaskData,
   HWND    hwnd
) = 0;


Return values

S_OK Function completed successfully.
Other success Success code will be returned to caller of the StartThread method and the thread will continue.
Failure code Function failed. Failure code will be returned to caller of the StartThread method and the thread will not continue.


The caller of StartThread method will be blocked until the InitThread method completes, and the HRESULT returned from this method will be returned from StartThread. If the return code from this method indicates failure, the thread will be terminated, and ThreadProc and WindowMessage will never be called.