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Developing your application

This topic contains essential guidance on the core aspects of an RMS enabled application and can serve as the foundation of your own application development.


The guidance in this topic is based on the sample application, IPCHelloWorld, which will help orient you to the basic concepts and code of a rights-enabled application. You can download the full IPCHellowWorld sample application, as, from Microsoft Connect.


The IPCHelloWorld project is already configured for the Rights Management Services SDK 2.1. For information about how to configure a new project to use the RMS SDK 2.1, see Configure Visual Studio.


Loading MSIPC.dll

Before you can call any RMS SDK 2.1 functions, you need to first call IpcInitialize function to load the MSIPC.dll.

hr = IpcInitialize();

if (FAILED(hr)) { 
  wprintf(L"Failed to initialize MSIPC. Are you sure the runtime is installed?\n");
goto exit;

Enumerating templates

An RMS template defines the policy used to protect the data, i.e. defines the users that are allowed to access the data and their rights. RMS templates are installed on the RMS server.

The following code snip enumerates the available RMS templates from the default RMS server.

hr = IpcGetTemplateList(NULL, 0, 0, NULL, NULL, &pcTil);

if (FAILED(hr)) { 
  DisplayError(L"IpcGetTemplateList failed", hr);
goto exit;

This call will retrieve RMS templates installed on the default server and load the results in the IPC_TIL structure pointed by the pcTil variable, then display the templates.

if (0 == pcTil->cTi) { 
  wprintf(L"*** No templates configured for your RMS server ***\n\n"); 
goto exit;

for (DWORD dw = 0; dw < pcTil->cTi; dw++) { 
  wprintf(L"Template #%d:\n", dw);
  wprintf(L"    Name:         %s\n", pcTil->aTi[dw].wszName);
  wprintf(L"    Issued by:    %s\n", pcTil->aTi[dw].wszIssuerDisplayName);
  wprintf(L"    Description:  %s\n", pcTil->aTi[dw].wszDescription);

Serializing a License

Before you can protect any data, you need to serialize a license and get a content key. The content key is used to encrypt the sensitive data. The serialized license is usually attached to the encrypted data and is used by the consumer of the protected data. The consumer will need to call the IpcGetKey function using the serialized license to get the content key for decrypting the content and for getting the policy associated with the content.

For the sake of simplicity use the first RMS template returned by IpcGetTemplateList to serialize a license.

Normally, you would use a user interface dialog to allow the user to select the desired template.

hr = IpcSerializeLicense((LPCVOID)pcTil->aTi[0].wszID, IPC_SL_TEMPLATE_ID, 
0, NULL, &amp;hContentKey, &amp;pSerializedLicense);

if (FAILED(hr)) { 
  DisplayError(L"IpcSerializeLicense failed", hr);
goto exit;

After doing this you have the content key, hContentKey, and the serialized license, pSerializedLicense, that you need to attach to the protected data.

Protecting Data

Now you are ready to encrypt the sensitive data using the IpcEncrypt function. First, you need to ask the IpcEncrypt function how big the encrypted data is going to be.

cbText = (DWORD)(sizeof(WCHAR)*(wcslen(wszText)+1));
hr = IpcEncrypt(hContentKey, 0, TRUE, (PBYTE)wszText, cbText, 
NULL, 0, &amp;cbEncrypted);

if (FAILED(hr)) { 
  DisplayError(L"IpcEncrypt failed", hr);
goto exit;

Here wszText contains the plain text that you are going to protect. The IpcEncrypt function returns the size of the encrypted data in the cbEncrypted parameter.

Now allocate memory for the encrypted data.

pbEncrypted = (PBYTE)LocalAlloc(LPTR, cbEncrypted);

if (NULL == pbEncrypted) { 
  wprintf(L"Out of memory\n");
goto exit;

Finally, you can do the actual encryption.

hr = IpcEncrypt(hContentKey, 0, TRUE, (PBYTE)wszText, cbText, 
pbEncrypted, cbEncrypted, &amp;cbEncrypted);

if (FAILED(hr)) { 
  DisplayError(L"IpcEncrypt failed", hr);
goto exit;

After this step you have the encrypted data, pbEncrypted, and the serialized license, pSerializedLicense, that will be used by consumers to decrypt the data.

Error Handling

Throughout this example application the DisplayError function is being used to handle errors.

void DisplayError(LPCWSTR wszErrorInfo, HRESULT hrError)
    LPCWSTR wszErrorMessageText = NULL;

    if (SUCCEEDED(IpcGetErrorMessageText(hrError, 0, &amp;wszErrorMessageText))) {
      wprintf(L"%s: 0x%08X (%s)\n", wszErrorInfo, hrError, wszErrorMessageText);
    else { 
      wprintf(L"%s: 0x%08X\n", wszErrorInfo, hrError);

The DisplayError function uses the IpcGetErrorMessageText function to get the error message from the corresponding error code and prints it to the standard output.

Cleaning up

Before you are done, you also need to release all the allocated resources.

if (NULL != pbEncrypted) { 

if (NULL != pSerializedLicense) { 

if (NULL != hContentKey) { 

if (NULL != pcTil) { 

Developer guidance and information




