GroupPolicyObject.OpenDSGpo Method


Opens the specified Group Policy object (GPO) and optionally loads the registry information.

Namespace:   Microsoft.GroupPolicy
Assembly:  Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Management.Interop (in Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Management.Interop.dll)

Overload List

Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod OpenDSGpo(Domain, Guid, Boolean, Boolean)

Opens the Group Policy object (GPO) that has the specified GUID by using the domain specified by the Domain object.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OpenDSGpo(DomainController, Guid, Boolean, Boolean)

Opens the Group Policy object (GPO) that has the specified GUID by using the specified domain controller.

System_CAPS_pubmethod OpenDSGpo(String, Boolean, Boolean)

Opens the Group Policy object (GPO) that has the specified path.

See Also

GroupPolicyObject Class
Microsoft.GroupPolicy Namespace

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