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Microsoft.GroupPolicy Namespace



Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass BackupDirectory

Contains methods and properties that can be used to query Group Policy object (GPO) backups or Starter GPO backups from a directory.

System_CAPS_pubclass ComputerConfiguration

Contains the settings in the Group Policy object (GPO) that apply to computer configurations.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPDomain

Represents a domain.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPMapEntry

Represents a map entry in a migration table.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPMapEntryCollection

A collection of GPMapEntry objects each of which represents a map entry in a migration table.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPMigrationTable

Represents a migration table.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPModuleAssemblyInitializer

System_CAPS_pubclass Gpo

Represents a Group Policy object (GPO).

System_CAPS_pubclass GpoBackup

Represents a backed-up Group Policy object (GPO) on the file system.

System_CAPS_pubclass GpoBackupCollection

A collection of GpoBackup objects, each of which represents a GPO backup on the file system.

System_CAPS_pubclass GpoCollection

A collection of Gpo objects, each of which represents a Group Policy object (GPO).

System_CAPS_pubclass GpoLink

Represents a link between a GPO and a scope of management (SOM).

System_CAPS_pubclass GpoLinksCollection

A collection of GpoLink objects, each of which represents a GPO link between a GPO and a site, domain, or OU.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPPermission

Represents the pairing of a trustee (such as a user or security group) and a policy-related permission that applies to a single object; for example, to a GPO or a WMI filter. A trustee is also known as a security principal.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPPermissionCollection

A collection of GPPermission objects that represents a set of policy-related permissions that can be set on a particular object, such as a scope of management (SOM), a Group Policy object (GPO), or a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) filter.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPRsop

Contains methods and properties that you can use to generate Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) queries in logging mode.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPSearchCriteria

Holds the criteria to use for search operations.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPSitesContainer

Represents the forest-level container that contains the actual sites in a forest.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPStatusMessage

Represents a status message related to a GPMC operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPStatusMessageCollection

A collection of GPStatusMessageCollection objects that contains the status messages returned for an operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass GPTrustee

Represents a user, group, or security group in the domain.

System_CAPS_pubclass GroupPolicyExtension

The abstract base class that represents a Group Policy Object Editor extension.

System_CAPS_pubclass GroupPolicyObject

Provides methods to create and modify a GPO directly, without using the Group Policy Object Editor.

System_CAPS_pubclass MultipleGroupPolicyObjectsFoundException

The exception that is thrown when multiple Group Policy objects (GPOs) that have the same display name are found in the same domain.

System_CAPS_pubclass PolicyRegistrySetting

Represents a registry-based policy setting.

System_CAPS_pubclass PolicySettings

Provides access to the Group Policy Object (GPO) Editor extension that is used to create, delete, modify, or read registry-based policy settings in a GPO section.

System_CAPS_pubclass PreferenceExtension

The abstract base class from which Group Policy Object Editor preference extensions derive.

System_CAPS_pubclass PreferenceRegistrySetting

Represents a Registry preference item.

System_CAPS_pubclass PreferenceSettings

Provides access to the Group Policy Object (GPO) Editor extension that is used to create, delete, modify, or read Registry preference items in a GPO section.

System_CAPS_pubclass RegistryItem

Represents the registry item that is modified in a Group Policy setting that modifies the registry.

System_CAPS_pubclass RegistryPolicy

Represents the Group Policy Object Editor extension that modifies registry-based policy settings.

System_CAPS_pubclass RegistryPreference

Represents the Group Policy Object Editor extension that modifies registry preference items.

System_CAPS_pubclass RegistrySetting

The abstract base class from which Group Policy settings that modify the registry must derive.

System_CAPS_pubclass RemoteGPUpdate

System_CAPS_pubclass SavingEventArgs

Provides the data for the Saving event.

System_CAPS_pubclass Som

Represents a Group Policy Scope of Management (SOM).

System_CAPS_pubclass SomCollection

A collection of Som objects that represents a list of sites, domains, or organizational units at which Group Policy is applied.

System_CAPS_pubclass StarterGpo

Contains methods and properties that enable you to manage Starter Group Policy objects (GPOs) in the directory service.

System_CAPS_pubclass StarterGpoBackup

Represents a backed-up Starter Group Policy object (GPO) on the file system.

System_CAPS_pubclass StarterGpoBackupCollection

A collection of StarterGpoBackup objects, each of which represents a backup of a Starter Group Policy object (GPO).

System_CAPS_pubclass StarterGpoCollection

A collection of StarterGpo objects, each of which represents a Starter Group Policy object (GPO).

System_CAPS_pubclass UserConfiguration

Represents the User Configuration of a Group Policy object (GPO).

System_CAPS_pubclass WmiFilter

Contains methods and properties that allow you to set and retrieve security attributes and various properties for a WMI filter.

System_CAPS_pubclass WmiFilterCollection

A collection of WmiFilter objects, each of which represents a WMI filter.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum BackupType

Specifies whether a backup is for a Group Policy object (GPO) or a Starter GPO.

System_CAPS_pubenum DCUsage

Specifies how to find a domain controller with which to connect to a domain.

System_CAPS_pubenum DestinationOption

Specifies how to map the destination for a migration table entry.

System_CAPS_pubenum EnableLink

Specifies whether the link between a Group Policy object (GPO) and a site, domain, or organizational unit (OU) is enabled.

System_CAPS_pubenum EnforceLink

Specifies whether the link between a Group Policy object (GPO) and a site, domain, or organizational unit (OU) is enforced.

System_CAPS_pubenum GPEntryType

Specifies the type of a migration table entry.

System_CAPS_pubenum GpoSection

Specifies a section of a Group Policy object (GPO).

System_CAPS_pubenum GpoStatus

Specifies which settings are enabled in a GPO.

System_CAPS_pubenum GpoType

A value that indicates the type of a Group Policy object (GPO).

System_CAPS_pubenum GPPermissionType

Specifies permissions levels that can be granted to security principals (trustees) for GPOs, Starter GPOs, Scope of Management (SOM), and WMI Filters.

System_CAPS_pubenum LoggingMode

Specifies the target for a Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) logging report.

System_CAPS_pubenum PolicyState

Specifies the state of a registry-based policy setting.

System_CAPS_pubenum PreferenceAction

Specifies the action that a registry preference item has for a registry key or value when Group Policy is processed on a client.

System_CAPS_pubenum ReportType

Specifies the format for a report.

System_CAPS_pubenum RsopMode

Specifies the mode for a Resultant Set of Policy (RSoP) report.

System_CAPS_pubenum SearchOperator

Specifies the operator for a search criteria. This is the operator to use to evaluate the property in a search operation.

System_CAPS_pubenum SearchProperty

Specifies the property for a search criteria. This is the property to evaluate in a search operation.

System_CAPS_pubenum SecurityIdentifierType

Specifies the type of a security identifier (SID). A SecurityIdentifierType enumeration value identifies the kind of trustee (security principal) that is associated with a GPPermission object.

System_CAPS_pubenum SomType

Specifies the type of container that a Som represents.

System_CAPS_pubenum StarterGpoType

Defines whether a Starter Group Policy object (GPO) is a system Starter GPO or a custom Starter GPO.

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