WmiFilter Class


Contains methods and properties that allow you to set and retrieve security attributes and various properties for a WMI filter.

Namespace:   Microsoft.GroupPolicy
Assembly:  Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Management (in Microsoft.GroupPolicy.Management.dll)

Inheritance Hierarchy



public sealed class WmiFilter : IEquatable<WmiFilter>
public ref class WmiFilter sealed : IEquatable<WmiFilter^>
type WmiFilter = 
        interface IEquatable<WmiFilter>
Public NotInheritable Class WmiFilter
    Implements IEquatable(Of WmiFilter)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubproperty Description

Gets the description of the WMI filter.

System_CAPS_pubproperty Name

Gets the name of the WMI filter.

System_CAPS_pubproperty Path

Gets the WMI path to the WMI filter.


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod Equals(Object)

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod Equals(WmiFilter)

Determines whether the specified WMI filter is equal to this WMI filter.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetHashCode()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetQueryList()

Retrieves the query list stored in the WMI filter.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetSecurityInfo()

Retrieves the list of permissions for the WMI filter.

System_CAPS_pubmethod GetType()

(Inherited from Object.)

System_CAPS_pubmethod SetSecurityInfo(GPPermissionCollection)

Sets permissions for the current WMI filter for the specified trustees.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ToString()

(Inherited from Object.)


WMI filter queries are specified using WMI Query Language (WQL).

This class wraps the IGPMWMIFilter COM interface.

Thread Safety

Any public static ( Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread safe.

See Also

Microsoft.GroupPolicy Namespace

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