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Direct3D Mobile Samples (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)


The following table shows the sample applications available for Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.

Sample Description


Shows how to create a Direct3D Mobile device and use it to clear the window.


Introduces the concept of the vertex buffer, a Direct3D Mobile object used to store vertices. Vertices can be defined in a wide variety of ways using a custom structure and a custom flexible vertex format (FVF).

The vertices in this sample are already transformed and lit. Therefore, they have already been converted to 2-D window coordinates and are using assigned color values.


Introduces the use of 4x4 matrices to transform 3-D geometry from model space to world space using translations, rotations, and scaling. This 3-D scene is then transformed into a 2-D viewport using a projection.

For general information, see Transformation and Coordinate Transformation Matrices.


Introduces the use of lights, materials, and surface normals to render 3-D geometry with dynamic lighting.

For general information, see Lights and Materials.


Introduces the use of textures to give 3-D objects a more realistic appearance.

For general information, see Textures.


Builds upon the other samples. It demonstrates the use of lighting, texture mapping, and matrix transformations. However, although the previous samples submit numerical data to D3DM in floating point format, this sample submits in fixed point (16.16) format instead.


A simple application that displays two triangles.

For Windows Embedded CE, the source code for all Direct3D Mobile sample applications is located in the subdirectories of %_PUBLICROOT% \DIRECTX\SDK\SAMPLES\D3DM.

See Also

Other Resources

Direct3D Mobile