Classes for Collection Management (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
This section describes the classes that you can use for object collections in Silverlight for Windows Embedded.
You can use these collection classes to access and modify collections that are loaded into the visual tree at run time. You can also use several of these collection classes to create new collections and add them to the visual tree.
Class | Description |
Provides the base class for a generic collection of items. |
Represents a collection of IXRColorKeyFrame objects that can be accessed individually by index. |
Provides access to a strongly typed collection of IXRColumnDefinition objects. |
Represents a collection of float values. |
Represents a collection of IXRDoubleKeyFrame objects that can be accessed individually by index. |
Represents a collection of IXRGeometry objects. |
Represents a collection of IXRGradientStop objects that can be accessed individually by index. |
Provides access to a collection of IXRInline objects. |
Holds the list of items that together form the content of IXRItemsControl. |
Represents a collection of IXRObjectKeyFrame objects that can be accessed individually by index. |
Represents a collection of IXRPathFigure objects that collectively make up the geometry of an IXRPathGeometry object. |
Represents a collection of IXRPathSegment objects that can be accessed individually by index. |
Represents a collection of XRPoint values that can be accessed individually by index. |
Represents a collection of IXRPointKeyFrame objects that can be accessed individually by index. |
Provides a dictionary that contains keyed resources used by components of an application that is based on Silverlight. |
Provides access to a strongly typed collection of IXRRowDefinition objects. |
Represents a collection of objects that inherit from IXRSetterBase. |
Represents a collection of IXRStroke objects. |
Represents a collection of IXRStroke objects. |
Represents a collection of IXRTimeline objects. |
Represents a collection of IXRTransform objects that can be accessed individually by index. |
Represents a collection of IXRTriggerAction derived objects. |
Represents a collection of IXRTriggerAction derived objects. |
Represents a collection of IXRUIElement objects. |
Represents a collection of IXRVisualState objects that define state-dependent visual appearances for a user control. |
Represents a collection of IXRVisualStateGroup objects that contain mutually exclusive IXRVisualState objects and IXRVisualTransition objects that a control uses to go from one visual state to another. |
Represents a collection of IXRVisualTransition objects that define visual behavior for state transitions of a user control. |