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Database Support on Server Core


Some applications on a server appliance that require persistent storage might be designed to use a locally installed database. For example, a firewall application might use a locally stored database to maintain a history of incoming IP addresses and other information about network traffic. When an application is designed to use a locally installed database, consider that there might be no commercially available database that is supported on Server Core that meets the needs of your application.

The following table shows options you should consider when an application for your server appliance requires a locally installed database.

If your requirements include Options
  • Limited resources for in-house database development
  • Limited resources for in-house database support
  • The application needs a specific commercial database product

From a database vendor, acquire a database product that is supported on Server Core.

  • Limited resources for in-house database development
  • Resources to support the full configuration of the server appliance, including a database

Use a free or open-source database product that you have verified, through your own testing, runs on Server Core and satisfies the requirements of your application. Verify that you are legally permitted to ship the database you choose as part of your Server Core platform.

Alternatively, you can use a commercial database product that you have verified, through your own testing, satisfies the requirements of your application. Again, verify that the licensing agreement for the commercial database product permits you to ship the product as part of your Server Core platform.

  • Resources to develop a custom database solution
  • Resources to support an in-house database solution

Create a custom database that runs on the Server Core platform and meets the requirements of your application.

See Also


Win32 API on Server Core
.NET Framework Support on Server Core


IIS and Web Server Development on Server Core