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Scale.ErrorEvent Event


Fired by the service object to notify the application that a scale device error has been detected and a suitable response by the application is necessary to process the error condition.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService (in microsoft.pointofservice.dll)


Public Event ErrorEvent As DeviceErrorEventHandler
public abstract event DeviceErrorEventHandler ErrorEvent
virtual event DeviceErrorEventHandler^ ErrorEvent {
    void add (DeviceErrorEventHandler^ value) abstract;
    void remove (DeviceErrorEventHandler^ value) abstract;
/** @event */
public abstract void add_ErrorEvent (DeviceErrorEventHandler value)

/** @event */
public abstract void remove_ErrorEvent (DeviceErrorEventHandler value)


This event is queued when an error is detected while trying to read scale data. ErrorEvent is not delivered until DataEventEnabled property is true, so that proper application sequencing occurs.

Error information is contained in DeviceErrorEventArgs. The ErrorResponse property is preset to a default value, based on the ErrorLocus. The application's error processing can change the value of ErrorResponse.

See Also


Scale Class
Scale Members
Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace
DeviceErrorEventArgs Class