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PosPower.EnforcedShutdownDelayTime Property


Gets or sets an integer value for a built-in mechanism to shut down the POS terminal.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService (in microsoft.pointofservice.dll)


Public MustOverride Property EnforcedShutdownDelayTime As Integer
public abstract int EnforcedShutdownDelayTime { get; set; }
virtual property int EnforcedShutdownDelayTime {
    int get () abstract;
    void set (int value) abstract;
/** @property */
public abstract int get_EnforcedShutdownDelayTime ()

/** @property */
public abstract void set_EnforcedShutdownDelayTime (int value)
public abstract function get EnforcedShutdownDelayTime () : int

public abstract function set EnforcedShutdownDelayTime (value : int)

Property Value

When EnforcedShutdownDelayTime is set, the following value is put in the ErrorCode property:




EnforcedShutdownDelayTime was set successfully.


An illegal value was specified.


If not equal to zero, the system has a built-in mechanism to shut down the POS terminal after a determined time in a power failure situation. EnforcedShutdownDelayTime contains the time in milliseconds after which the system shuts down automatically following a power failure. A power failure is any situation when the POS terminal is turned off or detached from the power supply and runs on battery power.

If 0, no automatic shutdown is performed and the application must call the ShutdownPos method.

Applications are informed about an initiated automatic shutdown.

EnforcedShutdownDelayTime is typically initialized to 0. It should then be updated by the service object based on the capabilities of the device.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also


PosPower Class
PosPower Members
Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace
PosPower.ShutdownPos Method