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Constants in SHx Inline Assembly

The SH-3, SH3-DSP, and SH-4 inline assembly language supports only integer constants. SHx assembly does not support character constants.

Express integer constants with a prefix that indicates the radix. The radix prefix indicates the base of the constant. The following table lists integer types and their radix prefix.

Integer Prefix
Binary Numbers The radix indicator B' or b' plus a binary constant
Octal Numbers The radix indicator Q' or q' or 0 plus an octal constant
Decimal Numbers The radix indicator D' or d' plus a decimal constant
Hexadecimal Numbers The radix indicator H' or h' or 0x Or OX plus a hexadecimal constant

The radix indicator and the constant value must be written with no intervening space.

The following examples show how to define integer constants in an __asm block. Comments use the // convention.

__asm("cmp/eq  #0xff, r0" );     // Hexadecimal number
__asm("cmp/eq  #H'ff, r0" );     // Hexadecimal number
__asm("cmp/eq  #255, r0" );      // Decimal number
__asm("cmp/eq  #d'255, r0" );    // Decimal number
__asm("cmp/eq  #b'10, r0" );     // Binary number
__asm("cmp/eq  #B'10, r0" );     // Binary number
__asm("cmp/eq  #Q'10, r0" );     // Octal number
__asm("cmp/eq  #010, r0" );     // Octal number

See Also

Elements of the SHx __asm Block | The __asm Keyword in SHx Inline Assembly | __asm Restrictions in SHx Inline Assembly | SH-4 Mode Bits | Symbols and Labels in SHx Inline Assembly | SHx Inline Assembly Parameters | Branching in SHx Inline Assembly

 Last updated on Thursday, April 08, 2004

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