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CashCounts Members


Defines a programmatic structure used to create an array representing the total cash in a Cash Changer device.

The following tables list the members exposed by the CashCounts type.

Public Constructors

  Name Description
CashCounts Creates an instance of the CashCounts structure from parameters specifying the instance's constituent parts.


Public Properties

  Name Description
ms883772.pubproperty(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif Counts Gets the CashCount data.
ms883772.pubproperty(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif Discrepancy Gets a Boolean value that indicates the discrepancy of cash that is not included in the count.


Public Methods

(see also Protected Methods )

  Name Description
ms883772.pubmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif Equals Overloaded.  
ms883772.pubmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif GetHashCode Overridden.  
ms883772.pubmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif GetType  (inherited from Object )
ms883772.pubmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif ms883772.static(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif op_Equality Compares the specified CashCounts and object and determines whether they are equal.
ms883772.pubmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif ms883772.static(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif op_Inequality Compares the specified CashCounts and object and determines whether they are unequal.
ms883772.pubmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif ms883772.static(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif ReferenceEquals  (inherited from Object )
ms883772.pubmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif ToString  (inherited from ValueType )


Protected Methods

  Name Description
ms883772.protmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif Finalize  (inherited from Object )
ms883772.protmethod(en-us,WinEmbedded.1002).gif MemberwiseClone  (inherited from Object )


See Also


CashCounts Structure
Microsoft.PointOfService Namespace
CashChanger.DepositCounts Property
CashChanger.DispenseCash Method