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Direct3D Mobile Driver Macros (Windows CE 5.0)

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This section contains information about the macros used with drivers for Microsoft® Direct3D® Mobile.

The following table shows these macros.

Macro Description
D3DM_DLL_ENTRY Value that defines the name of the entry point for the Direct3D Mobile driver's dynamically linked library (DLL).
D3DM_DRIVER Values Values used to indicate whether a driver supports an operation.
D3DM_GETINFO Values Values used to control the driver's clipping status.
D3DMRTYPEFLAG Values Value that identifies resource types in D3DMDEVICEFORMAT structures.
D3DMTSS_TEXTURE Value for a texture stage state used to set the current texture handle for the stage.

See Also

Direct3D Mobile Driver Reference | D3DMDEVICEFORMAT

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