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Optional KITL Functions

The following table shows the optional kernel independent transport layer (KITL) functions with a description of the purpose of each.

Programming element Description
CallEdbgDeregisterClient This function deregisters a KITL client.
CallEdbgRecv This function is used by the client to receive data from a KITL transport.
CallEdbgRegisterClient This function registers a KITL client.
CallEdbgSend This function is called to send data over a KITL transport.
CallEdbgSetDebug This function controls the debug print output for a KITL subsystem.
KITLDeInitLibrary This function uninitializes the KITL subsystem.
KITLDeRegisterClient This function deregisters a Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) client from a KITL server.
KITLInitLibrary This function initializes the Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) subsystem for use by a client/server application.
KITLOutputDebugString This function is used to send debug output.
KITLRecv This function is used by the client to receive data from a device.
KITLRegisterClient This function is called by a client application to create a KITL client that connects to a KITL server.
KITLSend This function is called by the Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) client to send data to the connected device.
KITLWaitForSvcConnect This function waits for the device to connect to the Kernel Independent Transport Layer (KITL) server before performing additional actions.
TranCreate This function creates a transport connection with a device.
TranDeInitLibrary This function is called to uninitialize the transport dynamic-link library (DLL).
TranDelete This function is called to delete a transport connection to a device.
TranEnumKnownDevice This function is called to enumerate the device that has been connected with this transport.
TranGetHostCfg This function is called to retrieve and host computer-specific configuration information.
TranGetInfo This function returns transport-specific information.
TranInitLibrary This function is called to initialize the transport.
TranRecv This function is called when data needs to be received.
TranSend This function sends data on the transport.
TranSetDevCfg This function is called to set up the host computer transport with the device-side configuration information.

See Also

OAL Functions

Last updated on Wednesday, April 13, 2005

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