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Common Properties

A number of properties are used to identify configurations and objects in the component database. The following table shows the properties that are used for configurations, database objects, or both.

Property Description
Name This identifies the item name. It is displayed in the development tools to identify the item. Although not necessary, it is strongly recommended that each item have a unique name that clearly identifies its function. By default, the development tools display the name followed by the version string and revision number in square brackets, for example, TCP/IP Driver [Version 1.0, R1]. Target Designer has an option to display the name only, without the extra version information.
Version This string identifies the item's version and revision level. It is used in combination with the name and revision to uniquely identify the item in the development tools. See Versioning.
Revision This identifies the revision as an integer that is incremented every time the item is edited. It is used in combination with the name and version string to uniquely identify the item in the development tools. See Versioning.
Owners This identifies the person or group responsible for maintaining the item. Typically, a list of e-mail addresses or names separated by semicolons is used.
Authors This identifies the author or authors of the item. Typically, a list of e-mail addresses or names separated by semicolons is used.
Vendor This identifies the company that authored and owns the item.
Copyright This identifies copyright information for the item owner, for example, Copyright © 2001-2002 Microsoft Corporation.
Date Created This identifies the date and time the item was created.
Date Revised This identifies the most recent date and time that a change was made to the item. This property is set by Component Designer and by Target Designer when saving a file.
Date Imported This identifies the date and time the item was imported into the database. This property is set by Component Database Manager when importing the component definition (.sld) file that contains the item.
Description This identifies the item. It is typically longer than the name and offers more detailed identifying information.
VSGUID This identifies a version-specific globally unique identifier (VSGUID) that identifies the item within the database. For most items, the VSGUID never changes and modifications to the item are identified by a change in the revision number. For components, the VSGUID changes when the item is upgraded to a new release. See Versioning.
VIGUID This identifies a version-independent globally unique identifier (VIGUID) that identifies each release of a component within the database. The VIGUID is never changed. See Versioning.

See Also

Configurations in Target Designer | Objects in Component Designer | Extended Properties