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Extended Properties

Configurations and most objects in the component database have extended properties in addition to their common properties. Extended properties are typically used to hold optional parameters or configuration information for a component, or to conditionally enable a feature. For example, a network component might use an extended property to hold a TCP/IP address. Extended properties can be set by using Target Designer and by using Component Designer.

An extended property has a name, a data format, and a data value. The data type is determined by the format. Use the prefix oem or any other meaningful prefix for your extended property names. The prefix cmi is reserved for use by Microsoft.

Extended property names are case-insensitive.

The following table shows the extended property data formats.

Data format Use Example
String Stores data. "XYZ"
Integer Stores a 32 bit signed integer. 234
Boolean Stores true/false data. True
Multistring Stores an array of strings of data in one property. "String1"
Binary Stores an array of 1-byte unsigned integers. 3FC5A9
GUID Stores a globally unique identifier (GUID). "{F9C9CBB4-E5F4-4434-AD13-5BCD26C5F5DF}"
Date/Time Stores date and time information. Data is set and returned using the local time zone. Data is stored in UTC. 10/12/2001 5:30:01 PM

See Also

Configurations in Target Designer | Objects in Component Designer | Common Properties