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Lumia.Sense Namespace

Lumia SensorCore SDK provides you with an access to several device sensors. In order to use the SensorCore SDK you will need to include the following lines in Package.appxmanifest inside <Capabilities> tag:

<DeviceCapability Name="location" />
<m2:DeviceCapability Name="humaninterfacedevice">
  <m2:Device Id="vidpid:0421 0716">
    <m2:Function Type="usage:ffaa 0001" />
    <m2:Function Type="usage:ffee 0001" />
    <m2:Function Type="usage:ffee 0002" />
    <m2:Function Type="usage:ffee 0003" />
    <m2:Function Type="usage:ffee 0004" />

In case your application is a Silverlight 8.1 application you will also need to include the following lines in WMAppManifest.xml inside <Capabilities> tag:

<Capability Name="ID_CAP_LOCATION" />

Both of these files should be automatically updated to include the required capabilities when installing the SDK package.


  Class Description
Public class ActivityMonitor
Represents an activity state monitor sensor.
Public class ActivityMonitorReading
Supported device placements.
Public class ApiSupportedCapabilities
Supported capabilities info
Public class MotionDataSettings
Motion data settings
Public class Place
Contains information about a known place.
Public class PlaceMonitor
Represents a monitor that identifies and maintains a list of geographic places frequently visited by the device.
Public class SenseHelper
Helper class providing miscellaneous Sense helper methods
Public class SenseTrigger
Sense device manufacturer triggers
Public class StepCount
Step count provides access to property values that tell current walking and running step counts and time spent walking and running.
Public class StepCounter
Represents a step counter sensor.
Public class StepCounterReading
Represents a reading of the StepCounter.
Public class TrackPoint
Represents a point within a route the device has been located in.
Public class TrackPointMonitor
Represents a monitor that identifies and maintains a list of geographic places visited by the device.


  Interface Description
Public interface IActivityMonitor
Represents an activity state monitor sensor.
Public interface IPlaceMonitor
Represents a monitor that identifies and maintains a list of geographic places frequently visited by the device.
Public interface ISensor
Base class for all SensorCore SDK sensors
Public interface IStepCounter
Represents a step counter sensor.
Public interface ITrackPointMonitor
Represents a monitor that identifies and maintains a list of geographic places visited by the device.


  Delegate Description
Public delegate ActivityReadingChangedEventHandler
Delegate type the ReadingChanged event handler of ActivityMonitor.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration Activity
Enumeration representing different activity classes
Public enumeration DataCollectionQuality
Data collection quality settings
Public enumeration PlaceKind
Indicates the type or kind of a place.
Public enumeration SenseError
Sense error codes
Public enumeration SensorType
Indicates the type of the sensor.