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SenseError Enumeration

Sense error codes

Namespace: Lumia.Sense
Assembly: Lumia.Sense (in Lumia.Sense.dll) Version:


public enum SenseError
Public Enumeration SenseError
public enum class SenseError
Lumia.Sense.SenseError = function();
Lumia.Sense.SenseError.createEnum('Lumia.Sense.SenseError', false);


Member name Value Description
GeneralFailure 0 General failure
NotFound 1 Item not found. There was no item matching the given criteria found.
SenseDisabled 2 User has disabled motion data collection from the Motion data settings
LocationDisabled 3 Location is disabled by the user from the Location settings
InvalidParameter 4 Invalid input parameter(s)
Busy 5 The component is busy, try again later
SensorNotAvailable 6 Such sensor is not available on this device
SenseNotAvailable 7 SensorCore SDK is not supported on this device
SensorDeactivated 8 Sensor is deactivated. You need to reactivate it by calling ActivateAsync()
IncompatibleSDK 9 Incompatible SDK. Sense platform in the device is incompatible with the SDK version. Please make sure to update to the latest SDK version.

See Also

Lumia.Sense Namespace