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LocalNetworkGamer Members

The following tables list the members exposed by the LocalNetworkGamer type.

Public Properties

Name Description
Public Property DisplayName (Inherited from Gamer.)
Public Property Gamertag (Inherited from Gamer.)
Public Property HasLeftSession (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property HasVoice (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property Id (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property IsDataAvailable Determines if there is incoming packet data for this player.
Public Property IsDisposed (Inherited from Gamer.)
Public Property IsGuest (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property IsHost (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property IsLocal (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property IsMutedByLocalUser (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property IsPrivateSlot (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property IsReady (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property IsTalking (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property LeaderboardWriter (Inherited from Gamer.)
Public Property Machine (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property RoundtripTime (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property Session (Inherited from NetworkGamer.)
Public Property SignedInGamer Gets the SignedInGamer instance for this SignedInGamer object.
Public Property Tag (Inherited from Gamer.)

Public Methods

Name Description
Public Method BeginGetProfile (Inherited from Gamer.)
Public Method EnableSendVoice Specifies whether voice data should be sent to, or received from, the specified remote gamer.
Public Method EndGetProfile (Inherited from Gamer.)
Public Method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method GetProfile (Inherited from Gamer.)
Public Method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public Method ReceiveData Overloaded. Reads the next incoming packet.
Public Method SendData Overloaded. Sends data to a specified set of gamers in a network session.
Public Method SendPartyInvites Sends game invitations to all party members that are not in the current game session.
Public Method ToString (Inherited from Gamer.)

Protected Methods

Name Description
Protected Method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Protected Method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)

See Also


LocalNetworkGamer Class
Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Net Namespace