Use Microsoft Purview Data Estate Insights for classifications
In Microsoft Purview, classifications are similar to subject tags, and are used to mark and identify data of a specific type that's found within your data estate during scanning.
Microsoft Purview uses the same sensitive information types as Microsoft 365, allowing you to stretch your existing security policies and protection across your entire data estate.
After you have scanned your source types, give classification insights a couple of hours to reflect the new assets.
Select Classifications to display the Microsoft Purview Classification insights report.
The main classification insights page displays the following areas:
Overview of sources with classifications
Displays tiles that provide: - The number of subscriptions found in your data - The number of unique classifications found in your data - The number of classified sources found - The number of classified files found - The number of classified tables found
Top sources with classified data (last 30 days)
Shows the trend, over the past 30 days, of the number of sources found with classified data.
Top classification categories by sources
Shows the number of sources found by classification category, such as Financial or Government.
Top classifications for files
Shows the top classifications applied to files in your data, such as credit card numbers or national/regional identification numbers.
Top classifications for tables
Shows the top classifications applied to tables in your data, such as personal identifying information.
Classification activity (files and tables)
Displays separate graphs for files and tables, each showing the number of files or tables classified over the selected timeframe. Default: 30 days Select the Time filter above the graphs to select a different time frame to display.
Classification insights drilldown
In any of the following Classification insights graphs, select the View details link to drill down for more details:
Top classification categories by sources
Top classifications for files
Top classifications for tables
Classification activity > Classification data
For example:
Do any of the following to learn more:
Filter your data
Use the filters above the grid to filter the data shown, including the classification name, subscription name, or source type.
If you're not sure of the exact classification name, you can enter part or all of the name in the Filter by keyword box.
Sort the grid
Select a column header to sort the grid by that column.
Edit columns
To display more or fewer columns in your grid, select Edit Columns
, and then select the columns you want to view or change the order.
Drill down further
To drill down to a specific classification, select a name in the Classification column to view the Classification by source report.
This report displays data for the selected classification, including the source name, source type, subscription ID, and the numbers of classified files and tables.
Browse assets
To browse through the assets found with a specific classification or source, select a classification or source, depending on the report you're viewing, and then select Browse assets
above the filters.