This article guides you through enabling and configuring privileged access management in your organization. You can use either the Microsoft 365 admin center or Exchange Management PowerShell to manage and use privileged access.
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Before you begin
Before you get started with privileged access management, you should confirm your Microsoft 365 subscription and any add-ons.
Before you get started with privileged access management, you should confirm your Microsoft 365 subscription and any add-ons. To access and use privileged access management, your organization must have supporting subscriptions or add-ons. For more information, see the subscription requirements for privileged access management.
If you don't have an existing Office 365 Enterprise E5 plan and want to try privileged access management, you can add Microsoft 365 to your existing Office 365 subscription or sign up for a trial of Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5.
Enable and configure privileged access management
Follow these steps to set up and use privileged access in your organization:
Before you start using privilege access, determine who needs approval authority for incoming requests for access to elevated and privileged tasks. Any user who is part of the Approvers' group is able to approve access requests. This group is enabled by creating a mail-enabled security group in Office 365.
Privileged access must be explicitly enabled in Office 365 with the default approver group, including a set of system accounts that you want excluded from the privileged access management access control.
Creating an approval policy allows you to define the specific approval requirements scoped at individual tasks. The approval type options are Auto or Manual.
Once enabled, privileged access requires approvals for any task that has an associated approval policy defined. For tasks included in an approval policy, users must request and be granted access approval to have permissions necessary to execute the task.
After approval is granted, the requesting user can execute the intended task and privileged access will authorize and execute the task on behalf of the user. The approval remains valid for the requested duration (default duration is 4 hours), during which the requester can execute the intended task multiple times. All such executions are logged and made available for security and compliance auditing.
If you want to use Exchange Management PowerShell to enable and configure privileged access, follow the steps in Connect to Exchange Online PowerShell using Multi-Factor authentication to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell with your Office 365 credentials. You do not need to enable multi-factor authentication for your organization to use the steps to enable privileged access while connecting to Exchange Online PowerShell. Connecting with multi-factor authentication creates an Auth Token that is used by privileged access for signing your requests.
System accounts feature is made available to ensure certain automations within your organizations can work without dependency on privileged access, however it is recommended that such exclusions be exceptional and those allowed should be approved and audited regularly.
Step 3: Create an access policy
You can create and configure up to 30 privileged access policies for your organization.
Requesting elevation authorization to execute privileged tasks
Requests for privileged access are valid for up to 24 hours after the request is submitted. If not approved or denied, the requests expire and access isn't approved.
New-ElevatedAccessRequest -Task 'Exchange\New-MoveRequest' -Reason 'Attempting to fix the user mailbox error' -DurationHours 4
View status of elevation requests
After an approval request is created, elevation request status can be reviewed in the admin center or in Exchange Management PowerShell using the associated with request ID.
When an approval request is created, members of the relevant approver group receive an email notification and can approve the request associated with the request ID. The requestor is notified of the request approval or denial via email message.
In the admin center, go to Settings > Org Settings > Security & Privacy > Privileged access.
Select Manage access policies and requests.
Select Configure policies.
Select the policy you want to delete, then select Remove Policy.
Select Close.
In Exchange Management PowerShell
To delete a privileged access policy, run the following command in Exchange Online PowerShell:
Remove-ElevatedAccessApprovalPolicy -Identity <identity GUID of the policy you want to delete>
Disable privileged access in Office 365
If needed, you can disable privileged access management for your organization. Disabling privileged access doesn't delete any associated approval policies or approver groups.
Privileged access management allows granular access control over privileged admin tasks in Office 365. Privileged access management requires users to request just-in-time access to complete elevated and privileged tasks through a highly scoped and time-bound approval workflow. This configuration gives users just-enough-access to perform the task at hand without risking exposure of sensitive data or critical configuration settings.