Common Error Codes

When making requests against Azure Communication Services' REST API, you may come across error codes, which signal that an error has occurred. To help you with troubleshooting, a list of common error codes is provided below for various scenarios. For more information on troubleshooting these error codes, see our TroubleShooting Guide.

HTTP Status Codes

You'll receive standard HTTP Status Codes in the service responses from Azure Communication Services. Some of these codes, may signify an error. To aid you in troubleshooting a description of common HTTP Status codes and what they mean within the context of Azure Communication Services is provided below:

HTTP status code Description
400 Bad Request The request received couldn't be understood by the service. Double check the documentation and ensure you're sending everything required and in the correct format.
401 Unauthorized The request couldn't be authenticated. This error could mean that the authentication being used is invalid, expired, or not suitable for this request. Check our Authentication Guide for more information.
403 Forbidden The request was authorized, but has insufficient permissions to carry out this operation. Double check our Authentication Guide for more information.
404 Not Found The resource or endpoint you're trying to access doesn't exist. Double check our documentation to ensure the resource/address you're trying to reach is correct.
422 Unprocessable Entity The body of the request couldn't be validated. Is it valid JSON?
429 Too Many Requests The number of requests exceeded some limits places on this operation. Try again later.
500 Internal Server Error An internal error occurred.

Service-Specific Errors

Depending on the area of Azure Communication Services that you're using, you'll be interacting with different services. These services, may provide additional context within their error codes.

SMS Service

For the SMS Service, it responds with standard HTTP Status Codes. Based on these codes and the context of SMS more context can be provided.

Error Code Response Description
200 OK Success
201 Created Request has been accepted.
400 Bad request Invalid request data.
401 Unauthorized Your request was either missing authentication, or the authentication provided doesn't allow for sending an SMS. Double check our Authentication Guide for more information.
404 Resource not found The resource or endpoint you're trying to access doesn't exist. Double check our documentation to ensure the resource/address you're trying to reach is correct.
500 Internal server error No authentication was found or unknown error occurred Double check our Authentication Guide for more information.