Add Power BI Encryption Key |
Adds an encryption key for Power BI workspaces assigned to a capacity. |
Apps GetAppsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of apps in the organization. |
Apps GetAppUsersAsAdmin |
Returns a list of users that have access to the specified app. |
Capacities AssignWorkspacesToCapacity |
Assigns the specified workspaces to the specified Premium capacity. |
Capacities GetCapacityUsersAsAdmin |
Returns a list of users that have access to the specified workspace. |
Capacities UnassignWorkspacesFromCapacity |
Unassigns the specified workspaces from capacity. |
Dashboards GetDashboardsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of dashboards for the organization. |
Dashboards GetDashboardsInGroupAsAdmin |
Returns a list of dashboards from the specified workspace. |
Dashboards GetDashboardSubscriptionsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of dashboard subscriptions along with subscriber details. This is a preview API call. |
Dashboards GetDashboardUsersAsAdmin |
Returns a list of users that have access to the specified dashboard. |
Dashboards GetTilesAsAdmin |
Returns a list of tiles within the specified dashboard. |
Dataflows ExportDataflowAsAdmin |
Exports the definition for the specified dataflow to a JSON file. |
Dataflows GetDataflowDatasourcesAsAdmin |
Returns a list of data sources for the specified dataflow. |
Dataflows GetDataflowsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of dataflows for the organization. |
Dataflows GetDataflowsInGroupAsAdmin |
Returns a list of dataflows from the specified workspace. |
Dataflows GetDataflowUsersAsAdmin |
Returns a list of users that have access to the specified dataflow. |
Dataflows GetUpstreamDataflowsInGroupAsAdmin |
Returns a list of upstream dataflows for the specified dataflow. |
Datasets GetDatasetsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of datasets for the organization. |
Datasets GetDatasetsInGroupAsAdmin |
Returns a list of datasets from the specified workspace. |
Datasets GetDatasetToDataflowsLinksInGroupAsAdmin |
Returns a list of upstream dataflows for datasets from the specified workspace. |
Datasets GetDatasetUsersAsAdmin |
Returns a list of users that have access to the specified dataset. |
Datasets GetDatasourcesAsAdmin |
Returns a list of data sources for the specified dataset. |
Get Activity Events |
Returns a list of audit activity events for a tenant. |
Get Capacities As Admin |
Returns a list of capacities for the organization. |
Get Power BI Encryption Keys |
Returns the encryption keys for the tenant. |
Get Refreshable For Capacity |
Returns the specified refreshable for the specified capacity that the user has access to. |
Get Refreshables |
Returns a list of refreshables for the organization within a capacity. |
Get Refreshables For Capacity |
Returns a list of refreshables for the specified capacity that the user has access to. |
Groups AddUserAsAdmin |
Grants user permissions to the specified workspace. |
Groups DeleteUserAsAdmin |
Removes user permissions from the specified workspace. |
Groups GetGroupAsAdmin |
Returns a workspace for the organization. |
Groups GetGroupsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of workspaces for the organization. |
Groups GetGroupUsersAsAdmin |
Returns a list of users that have access to the specified workspace. |
Groups GetUnusedArtifactsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of datasets, reports, and dashboards that have not been used within 30 days for the specified workspace. This is a preview API call. |
Groups RestoreDeletedGroupAsAdmin |
Restores a deleted workspace. |
Groups UpdateGroupAsAdmin |
Updates the properties of the specified workspace. |
Imports GetImportsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of imports for the organization. |
InformationProtection RemoveLabelsAsAdmin |
Remove sensitivity labels from Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) by item ID. |
InformationProtection SetLabelsAsAdmin |
Set sensitivity labels on Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) by item ID. |
Patch Capacity As Admin |
Changes specific capacity information. Currently, this API call only supports changing the capacity's encryption key. |
Pipelines DeleteUserAsAdmin |
Removes user permissions from a specified deployment pipeline. |
Pipelines GetPipelinesAsAdmin |
Returns a list of deployment pipelines for the organization. |
Pipelines GetPipelineUsersAsAdmin |
Returns a list of users that have access to a specified deployment pipeline. |
Pipelines UpdateUserAsAdmin |
Grants user permissions to a specified deployment pipeline. |
Profiles DeleteProfileAsAdmin |
Deletes the specified service principal profile. |
Profiles GetProfilesAsAdmin |
Returns a list of service principal profiles for the organization. |
Reports GetReportsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of reports for the organization. |
Reports GetReportsInGroupAsAdmin |
Returns a list of reports from the specified workspace. |
Reports GetReportSubscriptionsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of report subscriptions along with subscriber details. This is a preview API call. |
Reports GetReportUsersAsAdmin |
Returns a list of users that have access to the specified report. |
Rotate Power BI Encryption Key |
Rotate the encryption key for Power BI workspaces assigned to a capacity. |
Users GetUserArtifactAccessAsAdmin |
Returns a list of Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) that the specified user has access to. |
Users GetUserSubscriptionsAsAdmin |
Returns a list of subscriptions for the specified user. This is a preview API call. |
WidelySharedArtifacts LinksSharedToWholeOrganization |
Returns a list of Power BI reports that are shared with the whole organization through links. |
WidelySharedArtifacts PublishedToWeb |
Returns a list of Power BI items (such as reports or dashboards) that are published to the web. |
WorkspaceInfo GetModifiedWorkspaces |
Gets a list of workspace IDs in the organization. |
WorkspaceInfo GetScanResult |
Gets the scan result for the specified scan. |
WorkspaceInfo GetScanStatus |
Gets the scan status for the specified scan. |
WorkspaceInfo PostWorkspaceInfo |
Initiates a call to receive metadata for the requested list of workspaces. |