List Synonym Maps (Azure AI Search REST API)

The List Synonym Maps operation returns a list of the synonym maps in your Azure AI Search service.

GET https://[service name][api-version]  
  Content-Type: application/json  
  api-key: [admin key]  

URI Parameters

Parameter Description
service name Required. Set this to the unique, user-defined name of your search service.
api-version Required. The current stable version is api-version=2020-06-30. See API versions for more versions.

Request Headers

The following table describes the required and optional request headers.

Fields Description
Content-Type Required. Set this to application/json
api-key Optional if you're using Azure roles and a bearer token is provided on the request, otherwise a key is required. An api-key is a unique, system-generated string that authenticates the request to your search service. Get requests for an object definition must include an api-key field set to your admin key (as opposed to a query key). See Connect to Azure AI Search using key authentication for details.

Request Body



For a successful request: 200 OK. Here is an example response body:

      "value" : [  
          "name": "synonymmap1",  
          "format": "solr",  
          ... other synonym map properties  

You can filter the response down to just the properties you're interested in. For example, if you want only a list of synonym map names, use the OData select query option:

GET https://[service name][api-version]&$select=name
api-key: [admin key]  

In this case, the response from the above example would appear as follows:

      "value" : [ { "name": "synonymmap1" }, ... ]  


If a synonym map has an encryption key, the search service must have access to the encryption key to retrieve encrypted properties in that synonym map's definition. Without access to the encryption key, an "<encrypted>" placeholder is returned in place of the encrypted properties. Restoring access to the key allows the search service to retrieve the complete synonym map definition again.

See also