Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 data access overview

The Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 APIs provide data access operations for Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 environments. Gen2 APIs are mostly structured around Time Series Model and provide REST CREATE, READ, UPDATE, and DELETE operations through the Time Series Insights Expression syntax (TSX).

Data access articles

For more information about APIs, see the following articles:

See also

  • For more information about application registration and the Azure Active Directory programming model, see Azure Active Directory for developers.

  • To learn about request and authentication parameters, read Authentication and authorization.

  • Tools that assist with testing HTTP requests and responses include:

  • Fiddler. This free web debugging proxy can intercept your REST requests, so you can diagnose the HTTP request and response messages.

  • You can use this tool to quickly dump the claims in your bearer token and then validate their contents.

  • Postman. This is a free HTTP request and response testing tool for debugging REST APIs.

  • Learn more about Azure Time Series Insights Gen2 by reviewing the Gen2 documentation.